The electronic mailbox, as well as normal, can be overflowed once if from time to time not to clean it. Though modern mail services also have spam filtering mechanisms, some share of unnecessary letters nevertheless filters. And messages necessary at the time turn over time into virtual "stuff" of which it is necessary to get rid.
1. Seize the opportunities of a control interface of a mailbox. If you got used to carry out all operations with mail on the website of a mail service, then begin with authorization, and then pass to the page of incoming messages (on English-language services it is called by InBox).
2. Select messages which need to be deleted. As a rule, to select the message in the web interface it is necessary to give a mark in the checkbox placed to the left of a line of the necessary letter. If you have to clean completely a mailbox from all messages, then it is not obligatory to mark every line separately - below or above (depending on the used service) there has to be one "main" checkbox. Having made in it a tag, you select all lines of the table with the list of letters on this page. Sometimes the mail interface gives the chance of more granular control of selection of letters. For example, in mail service Google (Gmail) the drop-down list by means of which it is possible to note everything read or on the contrary, still nechitanny letters is attached to such checkbox. It is possible to select those which you noted earlier or on the contrary not having such "bookmarks". Besides, pay attention that some services group letters in chains - all correspondence with one addressee and one subject gets to one line of this list. Marking in such line, you note at the same time all letters of this chain.
3. Find the removal button after select all necessary messages. It should be placed above or below the list, depending on service by you used. Except a removal option the majority of web interfaces have also other functions for establishing order in a box. In Gmail, for example, the selected letters can be archived or moved to specially created folder. And it is possible to send them to the section "Spam" - this section is automatically cleaned with service through a certain period. Having selected option of cleaning of a box necessary to you, press the corresponding button.
4. If you use the email client installed in your computer, then the principle of cleaning of mailboxes will be similar - you need to select letters which it is necessary to delete and click Delete.
5. In the resident program except this way there is an opportunity to use a context menu and the hot keys. For example, in the The Bat e-mail client you can right-click the box needing cleaning and select the Clean the Folder item in a context menu. Or to make same clicking of the keyboard shortcut CTRL + Del.