As WMR in WebMoney to transfer to WMZ

As WMR in WebMoney to transfer to WMZ

Digital Hits: 110

Sometimes users of the WebMoney system have a need for the translation of own funds from one purse, on another, for example, from WMR in WMZ purse. All operations are executed in WebMoney Keeper Classic.

The first way

There are several ways to exchange WMR in WMZ in WebMoney. The very first and quite easy way - exchange in the system. For this purpose it is enough to turn on the personal computer, to be connected to the Internet and to start the WebMoney Keeper Classic program. After you become authorized in a system enter the Purses tab. Here the complete list of all your purses is displayed. Select that purse on which WMR is kept and right-click on it. It is necessary to find the Exchange parameter in the appeared context menu and to select the Exchange WM * for WM*... item.

After click the new window "Automatic Machine for Exchange of WMZ, WMR..." will appear. Here, in points, "I will buy" and "I will pay", it is required to select WMR and WMZ, respectively. It is necessary to specify that sum which you are going to receive after exchange, that is completion of the transaction in the How Many You Have (Should Be) WMZ field. After input of number it will be possible to see the sum taking into account the commission (on WebMoney the commission always equally to 0.8% of the amount of transaction) and the sum which as a result receive (WMR). The last fields are autocompleted also and the user should specify that purse to which the sum stated above will come.


It is necessary only to press the Pay the Application button, and in a window of payment of service to check all data (the sum and a purse from which will be payment of service is made) and to enter a confirmation code. Further, if everything was made correctly and the specified sum is on a purse for payment of the transaction, then the new window demonstrating successful exchange will appear. For check it is possible to enter the Entering tab where information on the translation will be displayed (in the special message).

The second way

The second way a little more simply and quicker than previous. For this purpose also the Internet and authorization in the WebMoney system will be required. After that in a tab purses it will be necessary to select that purse from which money will be transferred and to click Alt+X hot key combination. In the appeared window, it is necessary to specify in the On a Purse field on what calculation will be made, and in the field of "From a Purse" - from what means will be calculated. In fields "I will buy" and "I will give" the desirable sum is specified. After clicking Next the procedure of exchange of means will begin and if everything is made correctly, then they will be added on the specified purse. You can make sure of it in the Entering tab. The message about the translation (exchange of means) will come.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
