As to hide the friend in VKontakte

As to hide the friend in VKontakte

The social network "VKontakte" very strongly differs from other social networks. One of such differences is an opportunity to hide information on itself, the audio recordings and even some friends from others eyes.


1. If you do not wish that someone saw any given person in the list of your friends of VKontakte, you can easily hide it. It becomes as follows. Enter into the Internet and load any search engine. Enter the address of the website or the name "VKontakte" into the search string. When you enter on this website, enter the login and the password at the lines which are specially intended for this purpose.

2. Before you the homepage of your account will open. In the center of the page your avatar, to the right of it your personal information, under it a wall with different records will be located. To the left of the photo you will see the menu which contains sections: "My page", "My friends", "My photos", "My videos", "My audio recordings", "My messages", "My groups", "My answers", "My settings". Left-click on the section "My Settings".

3. Now before you the window at the top of which the tabs "General", "Privacy", "Notifications", "Black list", "Mobile Services", "Balance" are located is opened. To hide someone from the friends, click the Privacy tab. In this section you can change access to different information from your page. You have an opportunity to hide the list of the gifts received by you, the list of audio and videos, the list of photos in which you were tagged by others the user.

4. Besides, in this section there is a record "Whom It Is Visible in the List of My Friends and Subscriptions". Near this record it is written "All friends". Having clicked this inscription, you will see a window in which names of all your friends will be displayed. Find in this list of the person whom you want to hide, click his name, and it will automatically be located in the list of the hidden friends. The Save Changes button is below located. Left-click on this inscription, and all friends selected by you will become hidden.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
