Some parents sometimes want though for an instant to have a rest from performance of parental responsibilities and for a while to feel carefree. However with children to make it rather difficult.
1. The nurse's call for a certain day can be the most optimal variant. Belongs to duties of the nurse to feed the child, to read the fairy tale, to put to bed. In this case it is possible not to worry about the kid. It is necessary to pay attention that the invited nurse has to have corresponding education. After all your child will remain with her alone.
2. Rest in children's club will suit the child of more advanced age. Leaving the child for entertainment on short flights of stairs, hills, trampolines it is possible not to worry about its state as the child is already capable to serve himself. For small children in elite clubs at additional expense invite the personal tutor who will track children. To parents not necessarily is near the child. They can freely go about the own business.
3. In the cities various sections function. Sports sections contribute to the physical development of the child, strengthen health. Sports sections can be various, but all of them are capable to occupy for a long time your child on the weekend.
4. Choreographic circles help the child with the end of the week to overcome fatigue. Possession of technology of execution of dancing elements will be useful to the child in further life.
5. The choice of sections and circles, drama schools is possible depending on what your child gives preference to. The main thing that the chosen rest on the weekend brought pleasure and pleasant impressions to your child. Correctly planned days off will bring a variety in life, will decorate it with new impressions.
6. Also you can use the simplest option and ask the grandmother and the grandfather to look after the kid on the weekend. Relatives with pleasure will help you and will spend time with the child cheerfully and with benefit.