The slime became very popular toy in the nineties. Almost everyone then had jellylike "friend" giving to children joy, and to mothers - it is a lot of efforts in respect of cleaning. Surprisingly, but still the slime does not lose the popularity.
On the structure the slime reminds jelly or slime which easily gathers in a hand and is located in small capacity. At games with it, sharp and strong throws it becomes firm, but at the same time elastic, rolling down a wall or sticking to a ceiling. When it is placed in a jar or other capacity, it becomes liquid and evenly spreads in it. Thanks to such features, modern children as well as their predecessors, very much love slimes.
Slimes not only give joy and delight to kids, but also develop their abilities and skills. Therefore it is cheerful and interesting to play with them not only, but also it is useful. They contribute to the development of fine motor skills of hands, thereby, developing the speech and a vestibular mechanism. Also they promote physical activity of children.
Slimes are on sale in children's shops, but, to the delight of mothers, it is easy to make a similar toy independently in house conditions. There are several options of its production by means of different ingredients. The easiest in respect of production and therefore popular the slime is considered from borathat sodium (it is possible to buy in pharmacy), PVA glue and natural or food coloring. To save hands from pollution, in advance it is worth taking care of acquisition of gloves. It should be added dye to PVA glue to give color to future toy. Having carefully mixed this mix, it is necessary to add to it Borat sodium at the rate of 1 bottle of 4% solution on 100 g of glue. The turned-out weight needs to be placed in a package and to mix carefully. In five minutes the slime will be ready to use.
One more way of preparation of a slime provides soda, liquid for washing of ware, water and dye. There are no concrete dosages, everything depends on consistence of initial materials. At first liquid for washing of ware, then several teaspoons of soda is added to capacity. Watching consistence of the received mix, it is necessary to add gradually water, reaching properties, necessary for a slime.
Dye should be added to water in advance to paint a toy in a certain color.
Also the toy can be made of flour, hot and cold water and dye. Two glasses of flour which needs previously to be sifted that mass became homogeneous will be required. At first a quarter of a cup of warm water is added to flour, and then is as much hotter, but not boiled water. This weight is carefully stirred that there was no lump left, then several drops of dye are added. Having mixed all this weight, it is removed in the fridge at several o'clock. In advance it is worth making sure that mix sticky. After cooling of weight the slime will be suitable for a game.
If the slime is impossible at once, vary consistence. If it too sticky, it is necessary to add more water. If it well stretches, but does not stick, the sticky basis – glue, flour, etc. depending on the recipe is added.
There are several rules of care for a slime, and it is unimportant, it is bought in shop or made houses independently. The dust and dirt which got on it can break the main property of a toy – stickiness. So it is better to store it in a tissue. Also the slime does not love direct sunshine as it quickly under their influence dries. To recover it, it is possible to try to add several drops of water. In general, slimes are not intended for a game in the fresh air, these are more house entertainments. It is better to store it in the cool room, and some types of slimes – in the fridge. If the toy absolutely ceased to execute the functions, it is possible to make a new slime together with the child.