Physical activity first of all. It would seem that children with it have no problems, they constantly somewhere run and jump, but nevertheless it is better to take physical training of the child under the control. Let's try to choose an optimal variant of loading which without problems will fit into life of the kid.
1. HODBAZDES everything is simple. Restrictions on walks cannot be. Go together to the park, to the forest, go to quiet city streets. This type of activity can be combined successfully with household chores, for example, go to that shop which was going to be visited long ago. Do not waste time in vain: you learn new words in English or repeat the plate of multiplication. You go to school and from school on foot. But you should not be overzealous. Let each walk take no more than 1-2 hours.
2. SKIS, SKATES AND the SLEDGE (During the WINTER SEASON) Clean air and lack of cars — here the main advantages of winter entertainments. Usually for walk on skis or driving on the sledge it is necessary to go out of town. Walking forces to work at skis all body: hands, legs, trunk. It contributes to all-round development, the child will become hardy, will strengthen immunity, will become stronger and will improve coordination of movements. Once a week, no more than 50 minutes is recommended to ski. Long trainings at the professional level are not desirable.
3. PLAVANIYEPLAVANIYE will help to temper an organism, to improve a metabolism, to evenly distribute loading on all body. Swimmers it is visible from far away: correct posture, strong camp and healthy look. This sport is good not only from outside a fizicheskogorazvitiya. Water takes away a stress and tension, well influences nervous, respiratory and is warm — vascular systems.
4. GAMES In KOMANDEFUTBOL, the basketball or volleyball are a speed, reaction, accuracy and also development of command spirit and discipline. Selection of duration, intensity and professionalism is rather individual. Children with poor health are not recommended to be fond of strongly so emotional and exhausting sports. But we know a set of examples when diabetes did not prevent to conquer sports peaks that whom many consider idols and stars now.
5. TRACK AND FIELD ATHLETICS (RUN, JUMPS, WALKING, THROWING) Perhaps, the most many-sided, universal and available sport. Generally it does not demand special regimentals and stock. Classes usually are in the fresh air. And weather and season do not play a special role. You will be able always to carry away the child something new, everything is always interesting to him. Play badminton or tennis, roller-skate also the bicycle. Main thing in this case control. Do not forget that any innovation has to be agreed with the doctor.