Game – the best form of education of children. Children's psychologists and teachers agree in opinion on this subject and therefore such technique is actively used in educational institutions of different level. But it does not mean at all that it is worth being limited to game classes in kindergarten or school. For the girl or the boy also parents can think up games with ease.
1. Today argue on early development much. Opinions are contradictory. But even if you the ardent opponent of this phenomenon, then it does not mean at all that your child has to grow absolutely without attention. Development is not only foreign languages or training preschool childrenof to the alphabet and to reading. Development is something more. It is adaptation to the world, acquaintance to it in all its manifestations. This formation of thinking, logic, perception, imagination, creativity … It is also promoted by games for the girl and the boy.
2. For a start attentively observe the daughter. It is necessary to understand what interests her. Give up on the settled stereotypes that girls have to play dolls without fail. It's not true. Many boys with pleasure dress up baby dolls, and young ladies – drive machines and shoot with the guns. All of us are different, with the preferences. And it is necessary to reckon with these preferences. Only at such approach of a game for the girl will be really developing.
3. Let's assume, your daughter likes to spend time with you in kitchen. Great! Suggest it to prepare something together. Think up the original recipe. The main thing is to give to the child to take the most active part in discussion of ingredients and process of their mixing. It contributes to the development of imagination. Besides, you will be able to impart to the child useful knowledge of safety measures, rules of treatment of fire and water. Or to experiment a little. In kitchen to make it as easy as shelling pears - pour water in a mold and put it in the freezer. And then study what occurs about liquid at impact of cold and as she behaves after stands at the room temperature.
4. Actually, options can be much. It is simple to think up the developing games. Life pushes us to interesting finds. It is necessary to be more attentive only a little to the events around. Understand: the fact that it seems to you ordinary and simple for the child – a miracle. He does not understand even the most elementary things yet. And the task of parents is to explain them to him clearly.
5. If absolutely nothing is impossible to you independently, use the professional help. Look for games for the girl on the Internet or send your daughter to school of early development. The benefit of those is enough today. Perhaps, after visit of couple of classes you will have thoughts how to think up the developing games for the girl. Thoughtfully observe actions of the professional teacher during the classes with kids. You will gather a lot of interesting, and will be able to hold some games further already in house conditions.