How to teach to mold the child from plasticine

How to teach to mold the child from plasticine

Children Hits: 84

Plasticine develops imagination of the child, helps to master such concepts as color, a form, the size. Besides, use of plasticine is a beautiful view of games of development of fine motor skills. And that the child molded with pleasure, it is necessary to follow several simple rules.


1. It is possible to acquaint the child with plasticine since a year. However not each kid (especially during the period from a year to two years) can show interest in plasticine. There are children whom the molding not only does not interest, but also frightens. To attract the child to plasticine, it is not necessary to persuade him and the more so to force. It is enough to sit down at plasticine to parents and with interest to begin to mold. As a rule, it affects children smoothly. At first they beat around the bush, then approach closer and already pull handles to plasticine.

2. For the first plasticine classes choose soft plasticine, for example ""Jovi"". It is even better to use the special stiffening weight for a molding in the beginning. Such weight is good the fact that it is initially soft. When it dries up, the kid will be able to play with results of the work which will gain "jumping" properties by then. So, at first the child will learn to mold balls, and then will be able to play with them - they will dry up, will become easy, but strong, besides will highly jump up.

3. It is necessary to begin a molding with development of the simplest figures – sausages, balls, ovals. From occupation to occupation it is possible to show to the child as simple forms can turn, for example, into toys. Let's tell, having rolled a usual ball, it is possible to suggest the child to thrust in his top part matches (without sulfuric heads), the hedgehog is ready to attach two beads and. Also beautiful hedgehog can be stuck together by means of a triangle from plasticine and a usual cone. To the basis of a cone the stuck together triangle/cone fastens, on it stick eyes and a nose, and the prickly hedgehog is ready.

4. Such books as "Plasticine paths" and others will also be ideal for the first plasticine lessons. Performing tasks from these books, the child will learn to tear off plasticine pieces and to stick on a contour, to roll sausages and to put from them various figures and so on. That the book became reusable and it was convenient to be used, it is necessary to cover each page with a transparent film for wrapping of notebooks (this film is on sale in rolls in office shops). On such film it is easy to mold plasticine, easily to remove. And on paper there will be no fat spots.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
