Today mothers sing to the kids lullabies more and more seldom. Children often fall asleep under the turned-on music or the TV. However it is very difficult to overestimate value of a lullaby: it calms the kid, gives him comfort, connects with mom.
1. It is useful to sing lullabies for kids from the birth to school age. Then the child is most susceptible to maternal love and caress, wants proximity with mother. The lullaby the song calms the child, lets it know that mom near it, helps to give her love and care of the kid. Tone of a voice of mom, the acquaintance even to the newborn child, neither records of lullabies, nor the turned-on classical music will be able to replace.
2. It is possible to sing lullabies with words or without words. In principle, for the small child is not of particular importance as the lullaby is sung if he does not understand words yet. The intonation, mom's voice which affects it usyplyayushche is more important for him, allows to relax and feel comfortably. Sometimes the lullaby is the only moment during the day which the child can spend alone with mom in a quiet situation therefore he appreciates this time with it and waits for it.
3. If mom does not know or does not remember lyrics, she can sing only a melody. It is not obligatory to learn for this purpose specially the song, it is possible to compose it on the run or to execute the familiar text in the form of a lullaby. Cases when even the famous musicians shifted the creativity to new melodies are known, creating from them lullabies for children. Here it is possible to experiment according to your desire, mom knows that it is better for her kid.
4. However the text and music of many lullabies if desired can be found on disks or in the Internet. Such songs are easily remembered then in the evening you will be able already to please the child with a new melody. Usually lullabies are sung without music. And even if you have no hearing, do not worry - for the child your voice will be the best sound which he can hear in a day.
5. When mom sings the song, it is the best of all to hold the small child on hands. So the kid will be influenced not only by its voice, but also vibration of her body, caring hands of mother, her motion sickness. If the kid already grew up, but behaves uneasily, in any way cannot fall asleep at night or in the afternoon, is capricious or cries, too it is better to take him on hands. However it is possible to execute a lullaby and sitting near the child's bed. If it is a cradle, it is necessary to shake quietly it under motives of a melody and if a usual bed, then for calm of the child he can put a hand on the head.
6. It is not necessary to hurry to replace song lullabies with fairy tales. These two genres of creativity and education cannot be compared fully. It is necessary to read before going to bed to the kid too, it will give him the first knowledge of the world, concepts about morals, the good and evil. But to you it is already not necessary to deprive at early age of the child of a magic song for the night. The child will not wait for any read fairy tale with such awe and to listen with such attention as a lullaby of the mom.