Many mothers, dressing the child in too beautiful dresses, bragging of him to the girlfriends or just familiar, do not understand that they quite often cause in the last acute sense of envy. The consequence of similar acts – a malefice from which small children suffer much more, than adults their power field completely was not created and is too weak yet.
Child's malefice: signs
As the kid cannot state everything that disturbs him, parents have to know what signs of a malefice of the child exist. Treat them: unreasonable and continuous crying, a bad dream, frequent start in a dream, a headache, nausea, lack of appetite, a sucheniye legs. Of course, all this can be symptoms of any certain disease. Therefore visit of the doctor is obligatory! And only if the doctor could not make the diagnosis, it is possible to speak about a malefice.
How to remove a malefice from the child
Mom loving and caring for the kid can remove a malefice from the child independently. Particularly complex in it there is nothing. Here some ways which can be adopted and used in case of need:
1. To wash the child, draining water on the earth or a floor. At the same time to pronounce the following words: "Smakovki water, from the baby of grief. From where undertook, there merged. Who on the child with rage, to that back with korcheyu. Amen". 2. To take a fork, a big and small spoon, to lower them in a basin with water. To wash the kid, sentencing: "Let my child sleeps peacefully as these forks and spoons lie". To repeat so three times then to wipe the child's face the left edge of clothes, to put the kid to bed, remove everything on the places. Water can be drained in the sewerage. 3. To take a small cup (for example, a salad bowl), seven silver or if those, usual spoons are absent, water half of liter. Saying three times a prayer of "Pater Noster", to pour out a thin stream water on the spoons lying in a plate. Then the loaded water to wash the kid and to rub off him. It is one of the most known ways passing from father to son. Knowing only three of these methods, you will be able always to protect the child from a malefice and to take care of his health. Only do not forget that the best medicine is after all prevention.
How to save the kid from a malefice?
To protect the child from a malefice you can be always helped by the following actions: concealment by its linen bed curtains or red material, triple washing of the kid holy water, prikalyvany bulavochka on inner side of a kidswear, attachment on a wrist of a red rag or on a ribbon waist with a prayer "Live the Help", clothing of the kid in bright clothes. But, perhaps, the most important protection is your love and the application of protection at God. Say that the maternal prayer is capable to get even from a seabed.