Some mothers are forced to finish feeding the baby mix. It can occur for various reasons: the shortage of breast milk at mom, specific features of digestion of the child at which the supplementary feeding specialized dairy mix facilitates its state and others. But anyway, mixes it is necessary to approach a question of a supplementary feeding of the kid very carefully.
1. At making decision on a supplementary feeding make sure that the child really lacks maternal milk. Can be the signs indicating it: an insufficient increase of the child in weight, rare (less than 6 times a day) urination of the kid at dark color of urine and its rather strong smell. Normal urine of the baby very light and almost does not smell.
2. Measure that amount of breast milk which is exhausted by the kid during feeding. It can be done, having weighed the child before feeding in a diaper or a diaper, and then — in the same diapers after feeding. At the same time it is not necessary to change a wet diaper or a diaper which the kid obmochit during the period between weighings, on dry.
3. Finish feeding the kid dairy mixes in case measurements showed that at chestfeedingthe child does not receive necessary amount of maternal milk. The average number of consumption of milk at one feeding by the child of certain age and weight can be specified at the pediatrician or to address the corresponding tables.
4. Finish feeding the kid only after feeding by a breast and only from a spoon. Otherwise, being not too hungry, the child after receiving mix can refuse a breast, and at a supplementary feeding from a small bottle will prefer easy saturation from a small bottle pacifier opening, but not exhaustion of milk from mom's breast.
5. You enter dairy mix into the child's diet gradually, since 10 ml in one feeding, gradually day by day doubling quantity of a supplementary feeding, bringing to the necessary volume. If it is necessary to finish feeding several times a day, it is daily possible to enter no more than one additional supplementary feeding.
6. Prepare mix according to recommendations, data on its preparation – they are specified by the producer on a box or bank with dairy mix.