How to dress the baby

How to dress the baby

The experiences of mom connected with the first walk of the of the baby are quite justified. If the kid is healthy, well puts on weight, then this event can take place already in couple of days after discharge from maternity hospital. At the same time it is necessary to pick up correctly clothes that the child did not sweat and did not freeze. Here by practical consideration you will not go – it is necessary to know for sure what to put on.


1. To swaddle absolutely little kid one walk best. Prepare a diaper, a thin baby's undershirt, a warm baby's undershirt, a romper suit, two diapers – byazevy and flannel, a thin and warm blanket if on the street it is cool, a cap and a hat.

2. On a changing table put these things upside-down. Now it is possible to dress the child: accurately button a diaper, put on baby's undershirts, and the smell has to be on a back, pull a romper suit. On a back straighten everything that any fold did not irritate the sensitive skin of the kid. Further put on a cap and swaddle: at first pull together legs with a byazevy diaper, and a warm diaper swaddle the kid together with handles. It was necessary only to pull a hat and to wrap up the kid in a blanket.

3. In cold season it is very convenient both for mom and for the child to use an envelope. If it also is reduced by lightnings, then time of clothing of the child considerably, and it is an important factor. Most of newborn children very much does not like to put on. It is connected with the fact that any clothes however convenient it was, are alien therefore it is necessary to dress the child quickly.

4. There are some more nuances which should be considered. So, the baby should not buy clothes which need to be put on through the head – it very much strains him. It is also extremely undesirable to use panties and romper suit with an elastic band on a belt if it strongly presses on a tummy, it can cause indigestion and to become the reason of concern of the child. It is desirable that all clothes of the newborn were with the seams stitched outside.

5. To define during walk whether warmly to your child, touch a wrist its nose: if it warm, means the child in heat if the nose froze – time to come back home. If overcooling does not threaten it (on the street there is very hot weather), then in this case it is important not to allow long stay in the sun. On the head of the kid there has to be obligatory a lacy panama which will hide him from the sun, and it is better to dress the kid in rather warm light clothes from natural materials – they reflect excess solar heat, well absorb sweat. They will not allow the kid to shiver from wind.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
