The advantage of gymnastics with babies is indisputable — it brings together parents and children, develops coordination at the kid, accelerates his intellectual and physical development. Correctly picked up set of exercises not only will not do to the baby harm, but also will promote strengthening of its organism and health in general. It is necessary to begin exercises on the fourth week of life of the kid after consultation with the pediatrician.
1. The "crooked" position of a body is peculiar to the kid from the birth, his muscles are weak, and coordination is almost undeveloped. Over time the condition of the child improves by itself, but the special set of exercises — gymnastics for babies will help to accelerate this process.
2. Before beginning any set of exercises, it is worth seeing a doctor behind consultation and to learn whether the child is ready to exercises and whether there are no contraindications to them. If the doctor grants permission for gymnastic activity, then they are begun on the fourth week of life of the kid. The child becomes more senior, the it is authorized to carry out the bigger quantity of movements during charging and the these movements become more difficult.
3. Any set of exercises has to be perceived by the child as the cheerful game which is bringing together it with parents. The kid during exercises will concern different parts of the body and, thus, to study them. For this reason it is the best of all to carry out gymnastics during change of diapers when the baby absolutely naked and prevents it to learn nothing the body. Exercises are done on a firm surface such as table for swaddling.
4. Basic rules of carrying out gymnastics: - between gymnastics and meal has to pass less than half an hour; - it is necessary to do each exercise at least 3 times; - the gymnastics is carried out in heat, well aired room; - exercises have to be done regularly; - during exercises it is necessary to smile to the kid and to praise him; - it is not necessary to carry out the exercises intended for children of advanced age or to repeat exercises too many time; - carrying out light massage during gymnastics, all movements should be directed to the center of a body; - do not do gymnastics if the child is tired or sick.
5. Set of exercises for children of early age: - to put the child at first on a back, and then on a stomach, doing serially soft massage of a stomach, extremities, a back and buttocks; - the kid lies on a back, the parent slowly and carefully bends and unbends his extremities; - to put the kid for 2 — 3 minutes on a stomach and to wait until it raises the head; - to put the child on a back and to pressure accurately thumbs the center of palms and a foot, at the same time the baby will bend reflex extremities; - to put the baby on a stomach, to create the hands an emphasis under feet of the kid from whom it has to make a start, trying to creep forward; - to accurately take the kid under armpits and to bring him into vertical position, having felt a support underfoot, the child reflex will begin to do the movements reminding walking; - the baby lies on one side, the parent, holding with one hand of a leg of the kid, runs fingers from a sacrum to a neck and the kid reflex will begin to cave in.
6. The correct and regular performance of gymnastics has positive impact on health and development of the kid. Regular exercises normalize blood circulation, strengthen muscles, improve a dream and appetite.