How to develop attention and memory of the child

How to develop attention and memory of the child

At acceptance of the child in school one of criteria of its readiness are well developed memory and attention. The attention contributes to the good development of perception, thinking, the speech. The developed memory increases the intellectual level of the child. These two indicators – attention and memory help with successful study. Therefore they need to be developed at the appropriate level. And first of all, parents have to be engaged in it.


1. It is necessary to stimulate development of memory and attention by means of special games and exercises. When your kid begins to say the first sounds, you have to discuss with him everything that occurs around: with what children he played as they played that was eaten, etc. At first it is necessary the most part of time to speak to you, but then the child willingly will join. Learn with it rhymes and songs, read fairy tales – all this helps to develop attention and memory of the child. Ask the child questions about a fairy tale plot. By 5 years complicate a task and ask the child to retell the fairy tale or the rhyme independently.

2. Surely develop visual attention at the child. Along with it concentration and observation develop. For development play with the child games. For example, offer it two pictures on which identical drawings are represented, but with small distinctions and suggest the child to find these distinctions. Draw for it labyrinths of which it is necessary to find a way out. All these tasks should not be difficult, do not overstrain the child. Make tasks colourful and bright, use fantastic heroes.

3. The developed tactile memory very much helps children with study. Tie with a scarf to the child eyes and suggest it to define objects to the touch. For kids of younger age (2-4 years) this task needs to be simplified. Put away objects in a box and ask the kid to call them to the touch. For children skills of setting of "sea knots" will be more senior irreplaceable. Such classes will help to develop attention and memory of the child.

4. For development of motive memory it is not necessary to think out anything difficult. Just suggest the child to repeat after you all movements. Depending on age of the child of the movement can be absolutely simple or, for children is more senior, suggest to repeat a chain of exercises.

5. The child perceives the main part of information aurally. Therefore begin to develop acoustical memory as soon as possible. The child of younger age ask to repeat a chain of words, and is more senior than the child ask to repeat the same chain of words, but through certain time.

6. Surely be engaged with the child. Only do not turn your classes into something tiresome and the beating-off desire to be engaged in something. In any game change with the child roles, let at first you will set to him a task, and he by analogy will set a task to you. It diversifies your classes, and you will spend time with interest.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
