Kardiotokografiya (KTG) is appointed in the late stages of pregnancy. It is carried out time in two-three weeks, and sometimes and more often. The procedure allows to define whether well to the child in a stomach at mom, and also the woman can decipher data.
As there passes KTG
Kardiotokografiya is absolutely safe both for mom, and for the child. The research is conducted by means of the sensitive sensors capable to decipher heart beat of the child and reduction of a uterus of mom. Usually KTG is appointed after the 26th week of pregnancy as on earlier terms the data are too ambiguous. In some consultations there is an opportunity to check pregnant women every week, in others appoint this research only twice.
The procedure looks so: the pregnant woman lays down on a couch or takes seat in a chair, two sensors are attached to a stomach. One in the field of the reducing node of a uterus, and another where the fruit heart is best of all listened. They put in order data in the electronic block. KTG can be carried out on the special equipment or by means of the ordinary computer — anyway, the device issues all information on the printed-out leaf.
On the printout it is possible to see the schedule of heartbeat of the kid, reductions of a uterus and the counted indicators on the basis of which draw conclusions about a condition of the child. Each indicator is estimated in points: 0 if there are expressed signs of suffering of a fruit, 1 — if there are some signs of violations and 2 — if everything is all right.
Basal rhythm of heartbeat (BChSS or ChSS)
The basal rhythm is counted between fights and movements, it shows what heartbeat of the child at rest. Range is estimated at 110-170 beats per minute as normal, 100-109 or 171-180 blows already demonstrates small violations if a rhythm lower than 100 or higher than 180 — the situation is already considered menacing, 0 points are put.
Variability of a rhythm of heart of the child
The variability shows, the rhythm how strongly deviates at fights or movements of the child, at the same time the frequency and height of oscillations is estimated (hills and hollows on graphics). If on average oscillations meet about 6 times in a minute, their amplitude from 10 to 25 blows are two points, everything is all right. Guards if amplitude of 5-9 beats/min or more than 25 blows, with a frequency less than 6 episodes. Oscillations, with an amplitude only 5 beats/min testify to a distress of a fruit rare (up to 3 episodes a minute).
Accelerations look as high cloves on graphics, more than 5 are considered norm in a minute. If their less than 4 — the situation is considered adverse, the absence testifies to serious condition of a fruit and is estimated at 0 points. It should be noted that in practice the small number of accelerations can say that the child simply sleeps and does not wish to move therefore it is better to repeat a research later.
Detseleration represent delays of a rhythm of ChSS and look as hollows on graphics. If they were registered the first 5-10 minutes or at all were absent — the child feels perfectly. If detseleration appear after 15-20 minutes of record, repeat, 1 point is put. Tells a variety and a large number of hollows on graphics about a distress of a fruit.
Results of KTG
Points for each indicator are summarized and estimated by the doctor. 10-8 points (on other classification 12-9) speak about a favorable condition of a fruit. 7-5 points have to be alarming, more careful researches are required, the course of childbirth and a condition of the baby will be under special control. If KTG of a fruit makes less than 4 points, it, most likely, is in a serious condition, the urgent rodorazresheniye by Cesarean section is required. It is necessary to consider that various factors can affect results of KTG, as well as any other research. The child can sleep or is in wild spirits (for example, some children like to jump in certain time of day or after intake of food by mom), at last, the equipment can be faulty. Therefore before acceptance of crucial decisions it is necessary to carry out repeated survey.