Safety on the way is the most important. For this reason both adults, and children in way have to buckle up special belts. Children are more senior than twelve years already can manage a standard belt. And here kids need the additional equipment.
It is safe to transport the child in an automobile chair not only, but also it is very convenient both for parents, and for the kid. But provided that adaptation is chosen correctly.
Age and weight
It is possible to transport children in a special chair since the birth. For such passengers the producers release sitting of category 0+/1. Group 2/3 chair and so on will be suitable for two-year-old children. The child is more senior, the it is more than a figure – it is necessary to pay attention to them first of all.
- Zero, or chair cradle. It is intended for children who did not reach six-month-old age and yet more than 70 cm did not grow.
- Zero plus. Such chair is bought to kids about one year, growth to 80 cm and up to 13 kg.
- Edinichka can be used by children from 9 months to 4 years, weighing from 9 to 18 kg.
- To Dvoyechk buy to passengers of 3-7 years which weight varies from 15 to 25 kg.
- The three will suit children of the advanced kindergarten age and school students up to 12 years, but only weighing from 22 to 36 kg.
Some firms specialize in the combined models of chairs which are designed both for babies, and on a chetyrekhletok up to 18 kg. Also it is transformed by means of simple manipulations.
To sitting of the car the children's chair fastens seat belts, the child in it is fixed by internal belts. Adjust them so that they passed on a coat hanger and it is low on hips, connecting a buckle on the center at the level of hips or below them. You watch that belts did not touch either the head, or the child's neck.
Do not take a chair in which the child is held by fasteners velcros – they are very unreliable.
Quality mark
Among abundance of children's goods it is easy to run into low-quality goods which do not guarantee safety of the child. Parents, wishing to save on expensive purchase, lives of the children unconsciously endanger. And some of them actually do not see a difference between the chair of the famous, specialized brand and sitting ordered from the popular Chinese website. And it is just that case when economy can cost human life.
To buy really standing automobile chair for the child, look for on goods marking of the European standard of safety – ECE R44/04.
And never get an automobile chair for the child from hands! In this case you do not learn how correctly it was operated and components are how worn-out at it. Also nobody will tell you whether it visited accident.
Even if the chair to you is given by good acquaintances or the family and you are sure that the thing was used as it is necessary, be not too lazy to check it properly.
It is the best of all to establish an automobile chair on back seat as the place near the driver is considered the most dangerous to the little passenger. At accident, safety cushions can seriously injure it.
The most successful place in the car the rear central seat is considered – here on it and put a child seat. Also you remember that to transport kids up to two years better in a chair which is established against the movement. It ensures to the baby additional safety.