As the sleeping child is beautiful: he causes feeling of affection, delight and admiration. But how many sometimes it is necessary to put efforts to achieve somnolence of the kid. Only the first month from the birth the child the most part of time sleeps, later, approximately from 6-month age, before most of parents there is a problem with laying of the baby on night sleep.
1. If there was such problem, then strictly you should not adhere to the mode. Watch the kid better, it will allow you to understand his biorhythms and to understand when it is necessary to have a rest. If you noticed that the child sluggish, whimsical, rubs eyes and begins to yawn, then do not miss the moment of falling asleep and urgently begin to stack.
2. As a rule children on breastfeeding very well fall asleep at a mother's breast. Having satisfied the hunger, the baby quickly turns into somnolence, and it needs to be put in a bed only. Here also the dirty trick is concealed: when shifting the child in a bed, he can wake up with ease. The method becomes inefficient in process of increase in age of the child.
3. Create to the kid a comfortable situation: air the nursery up to the optimum temperature of 20-22 degrees, bath the kid before going to bed with herbs of a train, a camomile (you remember, process of bathing affects some children excitingly), make the weakening massage to the baby with gentle stroking of a back or a tummy with the calming oils. Put on to the child soft and nice on the touch clothes.
4. Some children very much love when they rock to sleep on hands and at the same time sing a lullaby the song or turn on the nature music (singing of birds, murmur of the forest). Do not refuse to them this desire. It is possible to rock to sleep not only on hands, but also on a fitball, a bed or a cradle.
5. If the listed ways are not so effective, then it is possible to use the following method: inclusion of monotonous sounds of type of hum of the vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, a lullaby without words at low frequencies.
6. Absolutely little kids can be laid in a cocoon from blankets and pillows that the child did not feel big space. Newborns still got used to a close mother's tummy therefore the space frightens them and forces to wake up more often. Watch only carefully that the pillow did not concern a nose of the baby, otherwise he can choke.