Some parents almost since the birth transfer children to artificial feeding, and special dairy mixes replace with ordinary store milk. However experts do not recommend to do it.
Store milk: whether it is possible to give it to the child?
Very often for a variety of reasons young mothers cannot feed with breast milk therefore they choose children's mixes or store milk. At the same time many experts advise not to be overzealous as milk can contain a large number of the powdered milk harmful to digestive system of the child. So, from what age the pediatricians recommend to milk to kids?
To kids aged up to three years the nutritionists recommend specialized baby food. Store milk to mothers is recommended to enter into the child's food not earlier than three years.
Home-made milk is not recommended to be given also as it contains pathogenic microflora, harmful to the child's organism.
Why you should not hurry?
On it there are following reasons. Cow's milk has strong impact on digestive system of the child. Therefore, it needs to be entered into a diet only after three years. Today even the children's products bought in shop cannot "brag" of high quality. Therefore, to mothers to enter store milk into a diet of the kid you should not hurry as there is a high risk of manifestation of various allergic reactions which can have negative impact and on internals of the child.
It touches also digestive system.
Terms of introduction of dairy products
Nutritionists advise to enter into a diet milk and dairy products depending on initial feeding. And, not to do harm to digestive system of the growing organism, it is recommended to enter milk according to the following scheme. The child on breastfeeding can give special food since 1. Store milk - after three years. Bottle-fed babies can try to milk a bit earlier: approximately in 9-11 months. It is necessary to enter milk gradually. After introduction to a diet it is necessary to watch closely reaction of a children's organism to a new product. If the organism reacts with allergic reaction, then from application of milk the pediatricians advise to refuse still approximately for half a year. However, for specification of terms it is recommended to address the expert. If the organism of the child accepted a new product, everything means passed successfully, time for introduction of a new product is chosen truly.