Education of the personality is a long and labor-intensive process, influence on which is possible up to 23 years. However the foundation for education needs to be laid in the kid to four-year age. Usually everything enclosed in the child to this age comes to light already at mature age.
For providing the children with psychological health, parents need to satisfy completely the children's needs for games with adults. Kids of a year to two should be engaged in any subject games (rattles, matryoshkas and another). Aged from one and a half role-playing games, for example care for dolls, toys will be most up to three years useful. Children are more senior than three years with pleasure play role-playing games with a plot (games in shop, hospital, school or something on similarity)
The large role in successful education of children is played by discipline. Here it is important to know how it is correct to raise children without shout as kids age up to three years do not understand the meaning of the acts at all. They learn the world by means of the disobedience. For this reason any punishments including slaps, shouts, will not bring positive results but only opposite will provoke development of aggression and craws at more adult age.
Also often the discrepancy of parents in their acts meets. During bad mood to the kid flies through the slightest errors when mood good, those acts simply are not noticed. Proceeding from such behavior of parents, children cannot acquire what their actions good, and what bad.
How it is correct to bring up the child?
The first and main is never to put itself above the children. They still will manage to see terrible teachers. The task of the good parent is to be the friend and the partner. If the child completely respects parents, then they automatically deserve respect from its party which many want to get with punishments and shout.
The second is to have important huge amount of patience and will learn not to shout at children. Remember - for bad acts it is not necessary to punish and shout at the top of the voice. It is much better to talk, learn the reasons and to explain why any given a deytviya are considered as bad. Most often children make nonsenses only for drawing attention from adults.
And by the end it should be noted the main secret of successful education of children - inspire in children self-confidence. Remember that they need support kazhdyu second of the life. You tell them phrases more often "I am proud of you", "I believe in you", "You will be able", it will help the child growth strong and self-assured and the forces.