As the child looks in a stomach

As the child looks in a stomach

The child undergoes development from fetal egg which sizes are not visible with the naked eye, to the newborn in mom's stomach. In each trimester of pregnancy the fruit looks variously.

The first trimester of pregnancy

After conception, fetal egg moves ahead on fallopian pipes and takes root into uterus endometrium, at this time constantly there is a cell fission and development of layers of a germ from which bodies, fabrics and an amniotic cover will develop further. On 2-3 week of development future kid has the oval form of 0.2-0.4 mm in size.

By 5th week of pregnancy, amniotic egg about 18 mm in size is defined on ultrasonography of a uterus. The germ size in it does not exceed 1.5 mm, other space fills an icteric sack.

In the first trimester of pregnancy the sizes of future child increase pretty fast. For every week the embryo grows almost twice. From 6th week at a germ rudiments of fundamental bodies appear, the chord is well visible, the brain is designated. On the 7th week, handles are already visible, eyes are clearly designated, but the tail remains. From 8th week of pre-natal development, legs are excreted. By the end of the first trimester on the term of 12 weeks the germ has outlines of the small child, his kopchiko-parietal size about 5 cm. During this period at a fruit eyes, a mouth, a nose are well visible, on fingers of legs and hands there is marigold. Distinctive sexual characters of the child are already noticeable, there are inclinations of a sosatelny reflex, i.e. the embryo begins to swallow amniotic waters. The free space in an amniotic bubble allows the kid "to float" freely, he makes infrequent movements by hands and legs.

The second trimester of pregnancy

During the second trimester at a fruit all put bodies and systems are improved. More actively nervous system begins to function therefore the fruit answers external irritants – reacts to all sounds, calms down under classical melodies, distinguishes voices of parents, blinks at hit of bright light on mom's stomach. By 18-20 week the pregnant woman begins to feel stirs of the kid therefore can distinguish that she is not pleasant to it. If future mom laid down sideways and to a fruit it is inconvenient in such situation, it will "be persistently "kicked". When mom is nervous, the kid behaves uneasily too. On 5-6 month of pregnancy, skin of the child gains pink color, the face and a body become covered by a thin layer of lubricant. During this period all features are clearly visible, eyebrows appear. By the end of the second trimester the kid begins to suck the fingers, actively swallows amniotic waters. At a diaphragm spazmirovaniye the fruit can hiccup. At this stage of pre-natal development kidneys and intestines begin to function.

The third trimester of pregnancy

In the last trimester the child quickly gains weight and grows. In 24 weeks the mass of a fruit is about 700 g, the kopchiko-parietal size - 30 cm. By the end of pregnancy the weight can exceed 3 kg. Growth of the newborn - about 50 cm. At this time at a fruit hypodermic cellulose develops, it is already possible to consider the first folds. At many children head hair actively grow, and they are born with thin curls. In the third trimester the kid sleeps and is awake according to the schedule, he is already able to open and close eyes. In an amniotic bubble on this term to a fruit it becomes close. The child not so actively moves, and sticks out a hip or an elbow more often, sometimes the Piglet can probe through mother's stomach small. On 8-9 month the fruit, as a rule, falls a head down and is preparing for the birth.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
