As it is necessary to behave at pregnancy with the husband

As it is necessary to behave at pregnancy with the husband

Often the kid who is fated to be born only in nine months since the moment of identification of pregnancy completely occupies all thoughts of future mother. It is normal and absolutely natural, but not for some men. When the beloved constantly discusses with the girlfriend what carriage it is better to buy, it seems to it that he does not interest her any more. Therefore it is necessary to dissuade him from it as soon as possible.


1. Talk about its work, even more often if earlier you had not to do it. Or on any other subject which you often together discussed before became pregnant. As a last resort, talk about different trifles, it is only not necessary to discuss color of wall-paper for the children's room for the 100-th time.

2. Periodically make to the husband small gifts, for example, buy him a nice tie or the ticket for a football match. Besides, do not refuse to descend with him somewhere. That your husband spoke, to see you disheveled in dresses loose overalls, especially if you could not go outside earlier, without having made up a lip, to him it is very heavy. Watch yourselves. The pregnant woman has to cause admiration, but not sympathy.

3. Do not neglect gymnastic activity for pregnant women, you watch the body and the person, you wear special linen. Remember that having become pregnant, you did not stop being the woman, and your man – the loving husband therefore intimate relations should not remain in the past if, of course, there are no contraindications of the doctor.

4. If the husband begins to be jealous of you of future kid, be not upset. Just talk and explain that the child is a fruit of your love, and between them there should not be a competition.

5. In order that the spouse every day felt like the father more and more and cared for you, surely share with it the feelings and experiences. But do not forget that it should not be "hours-long sufferings" how you badly feel.

6. Do not persuade the husband to go with you to clinic for women, motivating it with the fact that the husband of your girlfriend did it. People all different, and your spouse can find the method to support you, for example, will help to sort a case for children's things or will buy a bath for bathing of the child in shop.

7. Remember that the birth of the kid on light is not only joint work and check on durability of your relations, but also education of feelings which will help you to become the gentle, careful and loving parents.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
