Whether wrappings by food wrap are effective

Whether wrappings by food wrap are effective

Wrappings by food wrap are rather popular "pokhudatelny" procedure which can be carried out in house conditions. It is considered that such wrappings help to save from cellulitis and to remove excess centimeters problem zones. But whether really this method works?

What is the procedure?

Here everything is rather simple - apply anti-cellulite gel on any part of the body (usually it is stomach and upper thighs), and then wind the place with food wrap in several layers. From above the film is closed clothes. Then it is possible to go to jog, to work on the home exercise machine or to make clear-out of the apartment.

It is considered that from the increased temperature at physical activity in the place closed by film fat allegedly "burns". But processes of zhiroszhiganiye really happen absolutely differently. Fat cannot just take and "thaw" in one specific place - it is simply impossible. Process of burning of hypodermic fat layer is started after training when the organism needs to fill the spent energy.

What occurs under film?

The body is warmed, to the person hot. And when the person warmly - to him does not need to spend calories for warming of body. If the initial task was - to spend as much as possible calories, then in practice there is the return process - the organism of calorie saves.

Besides, because of plentiful sweating under film there is process of dehydration that is absolutely unhealthy for organism. If to rise on scales right after the procedure, then it is possible to come to conclusion that weight has decreased, but actually you have just lost a lot of water, and weight will return within 1-2 days, after completion of deficiency of liquid.

Whether it is so possible to lose weight from wrappings by food wrap? On the present "to kindle" fat hardly it will turn out, but to reduce so-called "orange-peel" by means of this procedure nevertheless it is possible to try.

Wrappings against cellulitis: as it is correct to carry out the procedure of the house

Anti-cellulite creams and gels there is huge number, but, unfortunately, the effect of them not always such as it is promised on tube - the fact is that it is extremely difficult to active ingredient to get through integument with the broken mikrotserkulyation, and in problem zones just and happens. Therefore wrappings in certain cases can bring much more notable results, the main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly.

What can be used for wrappings

For anti-cellulite wrappings it is possible to use various therapeutic muds, clays and seaweed at what the last can be as sheet, and in powder (dried). Besides, for carrying out house wrapping you need usual food wrap. Choosing means for wrapping, it is necessary to avoid those which have the warming or cooling action - it can break microcirculation in fabrics - basic reason of developing of cellulitis.

How to carry out anti-cellulite wrappings

  • The procedure needs to be carried out on the purified and warmed skin therefore it is necessary to take previously shower and to clean problem zone by means of srub.
  • Apply means on the square slightly big, than problem zone. Wrap from above food wrap and be wrapped up with warm plaid for 45 minutes at least.
  • After the procedure wash away means warm water. It is possible to grease skin with nutritious cream.

By the way, wrappings with therapeutic mud create but skin impenetrable film and promote improvement of its appearance. It is necessary to perform the procedure 1-2 times a week within 4 weeks.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
