Only five simple and available cosmetic procedures can become competitors of plastic surgery. Try to be influenced by their rejuvenating effect.
Two German silver or silver teaspoons will be necessary for you. The person before massage needs to be exempted from make-up and to apply on it a little olive oil. All movements in process should be carried out with pressing, using convex part of spoon.
Put cold spoons on the closed eyelids for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Carry out by spoons from the center of forehead to the line of hair of 5 times. Further arrange them at nasolabial folds. Begin movements from nose wings to lobes of ears. Finish massage around chin, having carried out by spoons from its center to temples.
Many treat Botox pricks cautiously — the result can be at all not such what you expected. It is very important to find the good cosmetologist who will perform the procedure with all sensitivity.
Principle of action: under skin the special means which blocks the movement of muscles on certain site is entered. They cease to work actively and wrinkles do not develop. The result of such influence is visible for the third day. However in half a year the procedure needs to be repeated.
This procedure began to be popular among women recently. It is carried out in beauty shops where the cosmetologist by means of thin needle enters any given vitamin structure under skin. The mesotherapy helps to struggle with acne rash, small mimic wrinkles, dryness of skin. Its secret is that means get directly to deep layers. The freshness, elasticity and elasticity of skin after several procedures is guaranteed.
Every evening you find 10 minutes for charging, but not idle time, and for the person.
- Sit down in front of the mirror. Arrange fingers of hands over eyebrows, accurately delay skin down. Along with it try to raise eyebrows up. Be late in such situation for 5 seconds. Repeat exercise of 10 times.
- You pass to area of mouth. Forefingers — about mouth corners, squeeze them to the center. At the same time lips are strongly compressed in smile and aim to disperse in the parties. To repeat 20 times, every time being late in such situation for 3-5 seconds.
- Exercise for chin. The hands compressed in fist prop up chin. Open widely mouth as though you say sound "about". Along with it fists prevent mouth to open. Be late in such situation for several seconds, repeat 20-25 times.
Natural masks will help to make skin more elastic and tightened. It is enough to put once a week on face one of the following masks.
- To grind 1 protein from 1 tsp of honey and 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. To add to the received weight of 1 tsp of juice of sea-buckthorn. To put mix on face for 20 minutes, after that to wash.
- To part 2 tablespoons of yeast with warm water. To add to them 1 tsp of olive oil and to mix. To put the first layer of mix, to wait 5 minutes, to put the second layer, to wait 5 more minutes and to put the third layer. In 15 minutes to wash away mask.
- Pulp of half of avocado to soften and mix with yolk. To hold on face of 20 minutes, after to wash away water.