of make-up consists in competently picked up liquid foundation. Faultlessly equal tone is rule about which it is impossible to forget. At the same time owners of problem and oily skin of the person should approaching foundation selection twice responsibly.
Selecting the matting means, it is necessary to pay attention to two main criteria. Liquid foundation under make-up has to not only look, matt and refresh esthetically the person, but also to be safe for health. Problem skin, as a rule, requires not only the correct care, but also masking of pimples, enlarged pores, reddenings, the hems remaining from pimples. The problem of liquid foundation is to achieve velvety opaque effect without grease gloss. Producers of cosmetics release special lines for problem skin. It is possible to pick up quality foundation in various price range, it can be both democratic, and expensive cosmetic brands. The difference in the price is explained by the fact that the known branded companies, spend many means for laboratory researches of the produced cosmetics.
Usual liquid foundation only aggravates problems of unhealthy skin. Therefore, besides use of special cream, it is necessary not to forget about the correct care for oily skin of the person.
Selecting effective tone remedy, it is necessary to remember that he will need to disguise all inflamed sites on face, pimples, pigmental spots. For this reason it is necessary to choose liquid foundation of high density. Here mousse without the content of oils, the fat-free cream or cream powder will be good. Density of the masking means can be regulated independently. If easier basis is required, then it is enough to mix liquid foundation with any moistening means which is usually applied to skin care.
Owners of problem skin should replace compact powder with special napkins which remove greasy luster from face.
The next important point to which it is necessary to pay attention when choosing foundation for oily skin is his firmness. Quality foundation has to keep freshness of the person within 8 hours. However today it is possible to get the means capable it is fine to keep also within 16 hours. Liquid foundation should be applied with thin layer. It is necessary to watch that it did not contrast with complexion and there was the same shade, as powder. Creams on silicone basis will be necessary for women with enlarged pores and small wrinkles. Such tone means will quickly smooth wrinkles, will make skin equal and will be excellent base under decorative make-up. For skin with excess greasy luster cream with microsponge will be good option, it absorbs skin fat. Foundation for such person has to matt it without overdrying. Modern tone means perfectly cope with this task. The powder which is their part provides to skin well-groomed velvety shape. Choosing liquid foundation for problem skin, it is worth paying attention to cream emulsion. This means at contact with integument becomes silky powder. In this case the person does not need additional matting. When choosing color of liquid foundation it is necessary to consider that reddenings well hide yellowish shades, and if skin of pink shade, then it is worth paying attention to beige scale of cosmetic.