The procedure of anti-cellulite wrapping with thermoblanket is often offered in beauty shops. Though it is possible to use this adaptation and in house conditions. Upon purchase it is necessary to know the main criteria for selection of thermoblanket.
Wrapping is supportive application at fight against cellulitis and excess weight. Application of thermoblanket during the procedure yields very good result. After usual wrapping the film recommends to carry out physical exercises actively. Thanks to them the body sweats, the metabolism accelerates, body temperature increases. At this time the organism is forced to use fat savings for power feed of motive functions.
The thermoblanket allows to heat body in passive state. At the same time the metabolism accelerates too, cages begin to move quicker. On this movement the energy which is contained in fat deposits is necessary. So, the thermoblanket directly promotes acceleration of blood circulation, fat exchange, removal of liquid through integuments, to removal of hazardous substances.
For one procedure of wrapping with thermoblanket it is possible to lose from 500 kilocalories and more.
Now on sale there are various models of thermoblankets. The most expensive blankets are equipped with the special timer and the indicator. In fact, the thermoblanket is the electric heater. Heating elements are located in special covers. The thermoblanket joins in the socket. Heat is not removed outside thanks to specific material. The body is as in sauna space suit. The thermoblanket has to have special velcros or lightnings which provide full fitting. Establishing temperature on +50 °C, it is possible to be heated in blanket half an hour. The convenience is that all problem places (hips, breast, stomach, legs) get warm at the same time. If desired it is possible to wrap in blanket separate parts of body.
Temperature is regulated depending on structure. The salt composition of gel saves from fat at temperature of +40 °C, and essential oils love temperatures in +37 °C more.
During wrapping with thermoblanket the special structure is applied on body of the patient. It can be dense hydrochloric solution or gel with addition of essential oils. In the beginning the cosmetologist examines the patient, and then recommends certain structure. After drawing means the body is wrapped in transparent film. After that the body is located in previously heated blanket. As a result of wrapping with thermoblanket skin becomes smooth and tightened. Upon purchase of blanket be going to spend the lump sum of money and you do not pursue low cost. Tension of thermoblanket has to be 36 Volts. Models of new type have three sections. In each of them it is possible to adjust temperature according to need. Such thermoblanket is more effective in comparison with usual. Classical size of blanket: 180х180 cm. Select the size so that the contact of body and blanket was maximum. Blanket material - any fabric pleasant for body. Pay attention to material thickness. It is desirable that it was average. Too thick blanket will be difficult to be warmed up. Application of thermoblanket is contraindicated to pregnant women and the feeding women, to persons 60 years are more senior, to children 6 years are younger and also that who has hypersensibility of skin. It is forbidden to use thermoblanket to the people having cardiovascular, oncological diseases and illnesses of endocrine glands.