The rejuvenating procedures for the person

The rejuvenating procedures for the person

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face is business card of any person, and desire to look attractively quite justified. However, unfortunately, with age skin becomes less elastic, there are wrinkles, the complexion becomes dim. Various beauty shops are offered by the useful rejuvenating procedures, such as mesotherapy, planimetric plastics, skin biorevitalization, ozonoterapiya.

The mesotherapy of the person is a rejuvenating procedure which represents microinjections with medicines. The cosmetologist by means of thin needles injects medical drug in skin on depth to 6 millimeters. Drug can be injected not only in face skin, but in other problem zones. After 10-12 procedures the mesotherapy of the person yields the positive results. Small wrinkles disappear, exchange process is stimulated, skin takes fresh form. The effect of the procedure keeps long time.

The planimetric plastics also represents medical injections. Most often it is carried out for the purpose of elimination of various skin defects, glabellar folds, for increase in volume of lips, improvement of shape of face. By means of the small syringe, superficial injections with Botox become. One injection a year for maintenance of beauty of the person suffices. This procedure painless also lasts only 45 minutes.

Biorevitalization of skin is introduction to medicine skin layers on the basis of hyaluronic acid. Skin becomes more humidified, soft, velvety, small wrinkles disappear. This technique is directed to fight against the first signs of aging. Today biorevitalization of skin is very popular and demanded in good beauty shops. Achievement of good result requires about five sessions. The necessary number of sessions for each person is individual.

Ozonoterapiya is applied with various defects of skin, including small wrinkles, extensions, acne disease, scars, local obesity and many other things. The procedure consists in introduction to skin of oxygen and ozone mix with the help of thin needles. Also special massage with use of olive oil becomes. The procedure is painless. Approximately after 10 sessions the good result is visible. Skin becomes more elastic, small wrinkles disappear, the face form is restored, hems become less noticeable.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
