Masks for hair from eggs

Eggs are natural source of vitamins and minerals for hair. They contain vitamins A, B, B2, D, amino acids, mineral salts, lecithin and cholesterol. The proteins which are contained in eggs serve as construction material for hair, restoring their structure, stimulating growth and adding silky gloss.

Applying masks from house eggs, it is necessary to pay attention to the following features:

  1. The best results turn out at production of masks from home-made chicken or quail eggs. If there is no such opportunity, then it is possible to use ordinary store eggs. Choose eggs of the small sizes as those rush young hens and contain the greatest number of vitamins and nutrients.
  2. It is necessary to wash away masks water of room temperature not to allow turning of protein on hair. Otherwise to wash away mask very difficult.

Mask for hair from egg and salt

For preparation of mask we take 1-2 egg yolks (depends on length and density of hair), we add about 1 tablespoon of table salt and it is carefully mixed. Salt is source of calcium and effectively strengthens hair. It is necessary to apply mask on dirty hair, and to hold - no more than 20 minutes then carefully to wash away large amount of water.

Mask for hair with egg and honey

If your hair thin, dim and weak then to help correct it the mask from egg and honey can. For its preparation we take one egg and half of teaspoon of honey. We mix ingredients in bowl until until honey completely is dissolved in egg. We apply mask at first on roots of hair, on all circle of the head, and only then on all length, having paid special attention to tips. We leave mask at least for half an hour-hour. It is also possible to put this mask in the evening and to wash away since morning. In this case hair are completely saturated with vitamins and nutrients and gain live gloss. It is necessary to wash away mask water of room temperature, at the same time it is possible to use soft shampoo and the conditioner.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
