If you have no opportunity to visit beauty shops, to buy expensive cosmetics, but at the same time there is a wish to look attractively, remember means which can be bought in any drugstore. They cost not much, and the effect of their application is comparable with expensive cosmetic procedures.
When using natural pharmaceutical means, as a rule, there are no side effects. They do not cause allergic reactions and it is possible to apply them often. However will not be to make the preliminary individual intolerance test after all superfluous.
Tar soap. This soap — extremely effective product unfairly forgotten today. Its minus that soap possesses strong smell which is pleasant not to all. Many cosmetologists still recommend to use such soap tar at fight against dandruff as one of the most effective remedies. It also has anti-inflammatory effect, is used for washing of wounds because the strong antiseptic agent is its part. Tar soap will be suitable for people with the oily skin inclined to inflammation and formation of pimples.
Colourless henna. It should be chosen for preparation of house mask for hair. If your curls thin, dry and tips split, then the mask on the basis of henna will help to add them gloss and shine, to restore their structure. How to make mask with henna? For this purpose olive oil and henna (instead of oil it is possible to use fat kefir) will be required. From colourless henna it is also easy to prepare mask for hands. It is necessary to make henna boiled water, to cool and apply a little on hands.
Black clay. It is the unique product rich with calcium, magnesium and iron. Clay has ability to remove puffiness, moisturizes and disinfects the skin. It is possible to apply it to washing, wrapping or preparation of masks. It completely replaces soap or shower gel. At the same time skin becomes smooth and silky.
Castor oil or castor oil. Means is capable to increase growth of eyelashes and to prevent their loss. It is enough to oil cilia within several weeks.
Burdock oil with addition of pepper. This natural cosmetic eliminates dandruff, itch and allergy, increases growth and density of hair. Oil with spice should be applied with quiet movements, massing a little and accurately rubbing in roots. Previously mix should be warmed up slightly, it should not be ice. It is necessary to wash away in 25 minutes warm water.