of motherhood is considered one of the lightest and warm feelings in the world. Young mother just shines brightly from within, beholding the small happiness. And only one circumstance is capable to sadden this wonderful period in the woman's life – long pregnancy, hard childbirth, and also process of feeding of the kid is not undergone completely for figure. If you really want to return to the forms before pregnancy, to make it not so difficult, it is enough nobility and observe certain recommendations.
- First of all, for restoration of figure you will need sufficient motivation. And it has to be rather strong. Simple sighs and complaints about how you have recovered, will be obvious insufficiently. Only if you realize the purpose, on the present will aim at it, to you success will come. Any tricks and excuses it is more harmonious will not help to become you. But also it is not necessary to put not achieved goals too. It is better to move with small steps, than to plan one big break and to come to at the same time full grief. The purpose to dump 3 kg much more really than desire to lose weight by 30 kg. And chances of success in the first case at you will be much more. Write down your purpose on paper, hang up it in a visible place, for example on fridge door. Now it at each visit on kitchen will be an eyesore to you, and will not allow to forget that you grow thin.
- Paint to yourself the diet. And we mean not tight restriction of calories by the word diet, it is absolutely inadmissible if you nurse the child. And here revision of diet will appear as it is impossible by the way. Very often young mothers pass to food with semi-finished products, motivating it with lack of time, but on preparation of tasty and useful salad of time will leave at all no more, than on boiling of pelmeni, and here two dishes strongly will differ in usefulness from each other. It is better to eat several times a day small portions, placing emphasis on vegetables, fruit, low-fat meat and fish. And here sweets and products from white flour it is better to minimize in diet, harm from them it is much bigger, than advantage.
- If childbirth proceeded without special complications, then in month after them it is possible to start the physical exercises directed to correction of figure. The type of trainings will depend on your preferences. Would you like to be engaged houses or will go to the fitness hall whether you will choose power kallanetika or bodiflek - all this will be not so important. There will be regularity of trainings and your serious relation to them much more important. Daily occupations 15-20 minutes will bring you more benefit, than wearisome weekly marathons. Exercises on press will help your stomach to become flat again, and the yoga will allow figure to find former smoothness and grace. At the correct spirit and regularity of occupations the first noticeable results will come within the first two months since the beginning of trainings, and you will try to catch jaundiced eyes of women and delighted looks of the men surrounding you again.