Extensions on body, or striya as still it is accepted to call them, in most cases appear after fast weight loss. As a rule, from the given feature the female suffers more often. Striya represent certain hems on skin. They can appear on breast, hips, buttocks or stomach. There are several ways to get rid of extensions on body.
The reasons of emergence of extensions on skin
To extension on body can appear absolutely unexpectedly, and both at men, and at women. They can be the different sizes and various shades. As a rule, the form of striya depends on the reasons which have caused their emergence. The most widespread places for emergence of extensions – hands, breast, stomach, legs, hips and buttocks. That is those places which are most subject to deposits of fat and which are capable to lose weight.
On skin it is possible to carry to the most common causes of formation of striya: Sharp weight loss. It is the most common cause which leads to emergence of extensions on skin. Fast loss of weight in short terms leads to formation of striya on body over time. To be tightened and be reduced, skin needs time. Thus, the aspiration to quickly lose weight is fraught with emergence of extensions.
Hormonal reorganization at teenagers. Girls during puberty can unexpectedly have extensions on skin. It is also promoted by the wrong way of life (inactive way of life and not the correct food allowance). Quite often extensions appear at pregnancy. It is connected with natural hormonal adaptation of organism of future mother and also, with significant increase in body weight. Often women, having been in the family way, dare to eat over norms. Over time it leads to considerable set of body weight. It promotes emergence of striya on skin. In this case extensions are mainly formed on hips and buttocks, sides and stomach. Extensions after the delivery. After rapid decrease in body weight, skin not always quickly comes to former forms. In addition, the breast is filled with milk, significantly increasing it in sizes. Thus there is skin extension that promotes formation of striya. To avoid it, it is not necessary to neglect the special dragging-away linen.
Ways of disposal of extensions
Healthy and healthy nutrition – important component of success in fight against striya. Experts recommend to adhere to separate and healthy nutrition. It is necessary to make the diet so that in it grain porridges, seafood and fish, fresh vegetables and fruit prevailed. Meat should be chosen low-fat grades – bird or young veal. Thirst needs to be satisfied with herbal or green tea, clear mineral water. Sports activities have to be in life on constant basis. Swimming and run – excellent kardio load which will help to make organism more hardy, body harmonious, and skin smooth. Sports occupations will tighten skin, will bring muscles into tone and will help weight loss. The contrast shower will also help with fight against extensions. It helps to activate exchange process and to return to skin elasticity.