Unfortunately, the nature has awarded with outstanding external data not all girls. And many want to draw attention to themselves with only one wave of eyelashes! If the cilia are far from ideal, then use consignment notes.
- First of all do easy make-up of eyes. It will be best of all if you use eye shadow. Draw arrows most close to the line of growth of eyelashes. After the make-up is ready, get from packing of eyelash. Surely try on them by your size of eye. If they are longer, than it is necessary, then accurately cut off unnecessary part scissors. Pay attention: on both strips with cilia the symmetric distance has to be cut off.
- Now be engaged in glue preparation. For convenience of its drawing get also brush. Surely before preparation of glue structure read the instruction on packing. If you do not want your eyes to have suffered, then choose hypoallergenic, that is safest option of glue. Apply glue on the line of the basis of false eyelashes. Surely remove its surplus. Let's it dry up slightly. After that fast and confident movement of hand apply strip with cilia to eye in the area of eyeliner. Experts impose eyelashes special tweezers, but not hands. You can arrive also. It is better to impose continuous strip of eyelashes as follows. Press it in the middle of century, and then accurately smooth with hands in the parties of corners of eyes. In such situation take eyelashes a little hands that they were more strong pasted.
- In completion of the procedure you can walk very carefully on all pasted line toothpick. It becomes in order that the ciliary edge has been evenly pasted on all length. Finish the make-up. You will need to broaden the line of eyeliner a little. Then false eyelashes will look very naturally. Tint eyelashes.