How to make nails of square shape

How to make nails of square shape

Each woman knows how it is always important to look tidy and beautiful and therefore it is difficult to find the woman who does not look after herself. The integral element of beautiful appearance of the well-groomed woman is accurate and beautiful manicure. Nail care is very important for end of your image, and with modern technologies you can choose, do manicure on the natural nails, or increase artificial.


1. Good option for daily manicure is the square shape of nails which can achieve both on natural, and on the increased nails. Take means for removal of varnish and cotton tampon, and process nails, removing from them residues of old varnish and degreasing their surface.

2. Fill small capacity with warm water to which it is possible to add a little liquid soap, and lower in it hands, and several minutes later blot hands with towel. Dry up skin of hands and start manicure.

3. For a start cut off nail tip tweezers for nails, forming straight line and cutting off nail at the necessary length. Take nail file and, moving in one direction, file edge of nail, smoothing it.

4. To avoid injury of nails and inaccurate manicure, always file nails in the same direction. At first smooth straight line in the center of nail, and then pass to its corners – process them nail file, forming easy bend, directing nail file from edges to the center of nail.

5. Wash out hands in clear water after you cut off and saw round all nails. Your manicure is ready – nails have gained square shape with easy roundings off at the edges. Now you can cover them with color or colourless varnish.

6. In order that manicure kept longer, regularly look after nails – moisturize the skin around nails special oils and creams two-three times a day and also do not forget to file every week nails as required to keep their shape.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
