How to lose weight without diets and trainings

How to lose weight without diets and trainings

For most of girls and women the excess weight is tragedy. Diets do not attract, and physical activities to pain are not lovely. How to organize the day so that both to eat, and to grow thin?

It is not obligatory to make to himself at all promise to begin the marathon of weight loss from tomorrow or the next Monday. It can be done today and now, reading article. The main – desire. Without it be one step away not to get closer to desirable result.

For implementation of plans it is necessary to instill confidence that everything will turn out. For a start to think that after all in diet there are harmful products of which it is worth getting rid already today. These are sweets and fried products which except satisfaction and calories will bring nothing for advantage of weight loss. You should not refuse honey or dried fruits which will help to lower desire to eat sweets at another tea drinking. Quite known fact that vegetables and fruit need to be included surely in daily reception, but is better to divide them at the use. Meat and cottage cheese are necessary for sufficient work of organism and brain activity, but it is better if they are not absolutely fat and in small amount.

Water as the main component of work of all organism, is necessary for conclusion of excess toxic substance and stabilization of work of bodies, but also it is necessary to drink it no more than two-three liters a day.

And here the activity needs to pay special attention. Low physical activity leads to forming of surplus of fat in the most unnecessary places for the woman. Therefore it is necessary to use any opportunity to spend as much as possible calories a day. During phone conversation, being at home, it is possible to raise highly legs, to go on the apartment or to walk. Sitting at the computer, reading any interesting information, it is also possible to raise legs on chair, thereby strengthening the lower part of stomach.

Usual preparation of dinner can be organized as physical exercise. It is enough to turn the body in different directions during the cleaning of vegetables or preparation of dish for members of household.

Coming back home after work, you do not hurry to open door key. Return on the first floor and again pass on ladder. The next walk on floors "will eat" unnecessary calories. Lunch break not occasion to sit at the computer or talk with colleagues. Walk around office will lower the consumed daily calories. Any free minute of the house, having closed from members of household, it is possible to make about 100 jumps. All efforts will not take place in vain – in month of active actions and ordered healthy nutrition will show the result on appearance.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
