The skin on elbows often becomes dry and rough, changes color for brownish. At the correct leaving of problem it is possible to avoid or minimize its manifestations. Will be suitable for elbow care both national, and cosmetics.
1. Daily grease skin on elbows with the nutritious cream enriched with vitamins A and E. Optimalno will suit any children's, but consider that if he is too fat, the procedure should be carried out in the evening. Otherwise there can be traces on clothes. Actually, in drugstores and shops the wide range of the means intended for elbow, heels and knees care is provided – they have the balanced structure, nourish skin with nutrients.
2. If you have noticed that skin dry, so became time to accept bath. Pour water into wide basin, add teaspoon of sea salt, the dining room of olive or sunflower oil, the capsule of vitamin A and as much E. Pogruzite elbows to water and take 15 minutes then resort to the help of srub. If you have no means containing abrasive particles, usual soda which needs to be mixed with liquid soap will approach. Apply structure to skin the massing movements. Later wash away.
3. Use lemon juice if skin has begun to darken. For this purpose squeeze out juice from one fruit, impregnate in it small napkins and apply to the elbows which are steamed out in hot water. Take 10 minutes, rinse skin with water. Dip towel and oil olive, wait until it completely is absorbed. Literally through several procedures the elbows will take fresh form and will become soft. Juice from lemon can be not squeezed out, and to slice fruit. They need to be put to problem zones.
4. Once a week do mask of banana with sour cream – mix components by means of the blender to homogeneous mass, later add a little juice of lemon. You apply to the cleaned skin of elbows for 15 minutes. Later use any moistening cream. Application of srub before drawing mask is obligatory if the skin on elbows is shelled.
5. Professional elbow care – the best choice. If you have free time and money, visit beauty shops. Paraffinotherapy perfectly helps if it is necessary to return former look to skin. Peelings and masks which the master has are also not comparable with what can be bought or prepared independently.