How to get rid of red skin

How to get rid of red skin

For of a healthy type not only the smooth silky structure, but also equal color is necessary for skin. It is especially unpleasant when red spots cover face skin, and it becomes impossible to leave the house, without having imposed thick layer of foundation. Besides, it is not enough to hide this problem, it is necessary to get rid of it irrespective of, than it is caused.


1. Establish the reason of reddenings. They can be as the temporary, caused temperature drops, influence of sunshine, and constant, that is internal. If the first can be avoided, avoiding influence, then overcoming the internal reasons of redness requires inspection and treatment of problem bodies.

2. 2. Remember, the redness is symptom! If you remove the cause causing it, then the redness will disappear afterwards. If in the course of inspection it is established that the redness appears from behind digestive tract diseases, then you can spend on drink gastric collecting which part such herbs as immortelle, plantain, horsetail, mint, tansy, repeshok are. Perhaps, it will be necessary to pickle worms. For this purpose it is possible to consume oxygen cocktails in high doses. They allow the oxygen pernicious for parasites, to be absorbed through intestines walls at the expense of what the organism is quicker saturated. Besides, cocktails are not contraindicated at pregnancy that cannot be told about tablets.

3. Avoid some hot, spicy food. If the problem is in stomach, then red burning pepper will only aggravate situation: from it the person even at the healthy person will redden. It is possible to tell that internal burns of our organism are reflected in face. For the same reason it is worth refusing alcohol, especially on hungry stomach.

4. Refrain from stay in the open sun or on frost. The person reddens because of expansion of vessels, so to avoid rush of blood to the person, it is necessary to hide carefully it from impact of cold wind, snow, sunshine. If you have no opportunity to stay at home, then apply to face skin protective cream, depending on situation.

5. Use folk remedies. For example, infusion of kopytnik helps at expansion of vessels. Collecting this grass can be bought in drugstore, without being afraid that it is not correctly prepared. Fill in 50 g of leaves with liter of boiled water and leave for 20 minutes. When infusion gets room temperature, moisten in it cotton tampon and wipe with the accurate massing movements places of reddenings. It is also possible to do compress with this broth, moistening pieces of gauze and putting on face for 20 minutes. After the procedure do not wipe face towel as it is necessary to allow medicine to be absorbed in skin and to weaken your vessels.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
