How to get rid of hump on spin

How to get rid of hump on spin

Beauty Hits: 183

This adjournment of fat cellulose condensed with connecting fabric in upper back is called in the people withers, fatty tumor, widow swelling. For some reason most often women are subject to its education. In most cases it arises aged after 40-45. This a little esthetic outgrowth excluding application of epithet swan neck bears in itself also other great deal of trouble. It is, first of all, headache, numbness of nadplechiya, nagging pain in backbone, etc. There are several ways to get rid of hump on spin and the most effective of them is complex of simple exercises, it is necessary to repeat each of which 20-30 times.


  1. Accept the main rack, i.e. get up directly, straighten shoulders and slightly take away them back. Raise shoulders, lower, raise, lower.
  2. Starting position – the main rack. Incline the head forward, then you take away it back. Incline the head to the left shoulder, then to the right shoulder. Do exercises slowly, sharp movements are not necessary, otherwise the head can begin to spin.
  3. Main rack. With circular motions serially you take away shoulders back – left, right. Then circular motions by shoulders back – left, right. Tension of humeral muscles at the same time has to be maximum.
  4. Part hands in the parties, palms look forward. Sharply take away hands back (the move has to be the most intense), return to starting position. Again breakthrough of hands back, relax.
  5. Bend hands in elbows (brushes are directed up, it is possible to clench fists). At the same time and sharply take away elbows and the head back. Maximum tension! Relax. Again – sharp move elbows and the head back. Return to starting position.
  6. Raise hands up (elbows straight lines, brushes in lock). Sharply take away hands back (tension maximum), return to starting position.
  7. Twist on neck abuse-hup. Very effective exercise.
  8. Upon completion of set of exercises take fingers a little cream (better than fat) or vegetable oil (it is better castoric), to which several drops of natural essential oil are added (orange, cedar or rosemary), and apply on area of withers. Mass with circular motions. Determine duration of the procedure, hands usually very quickly are tired. You can take rolling pin or the special massager in assistants and, having got for back, to continue massage in the field of withers. Strongly it is not necessary to press, pain should not be. Upon completion of massage wipe skin with damp towel, put on cotton linen, throw with warm plaid or scarf withers zone and have a rest.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
