It is quite simple to any person to lose respect and arrangement of people around, thanks to the increased sweating. The majority will at once render verdict: "This person does not watch himself at all". And very few people know that the excessive perspiration can be symptom of serious disease which is simple for controlling the person not in forces …
Why the person sweats
Potovydeleniye is natural reaction of organism to the increased emotional or physical activities. Together with liquid which is excreted by sweat glands there are substances which are not necessary to organism any more or are harmful to it. For example, the heavy salts which have got together with food, medications, urea, toxic agents or other organic compounds which have already executed "mission". Mixing up with secretion of sebaceous glands, these products begin to exhale fetid smell, and the high content of water in their structure only strengthens it.
How to distinguish "enemy"
The scientific name of this property of organism – hyper hydrosis. Physicians distinguish two types of sweating:
- general (generalized) hyper hydrosis,
- local (essential) hyper hydrosis.
Most often at the ordinary person who does not have any serious diseases the local sweating at which damp are palms, feet of legs, inguinal folds and axillary hollows is observed. The nervous tension, physical effort or high temperature of the environment can provoke it.
The general hyper hydrosis is sweating on all surface of epidermis of human body. It is provoked by infectious, endocrine, oncological and gynecologic diseases. Besides, problems with internals – heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and gall bladder, violations in work of blood and nervous systems can become the reason of the general perspiration also. To get rid of the general perspiration, it is necessary to solve problem which provokes it. It is possible to reveal problem only after full medical examination.
Main ways of fight against perspiration
It is possible to fight against the increased sweating in different ways, but it is necessary to choose method individually.
The hygienic method consists in due skin care, its regular clarification and observance of elementary rules of hygiene. For washing of skin it is better to use means which contain from 10 to 30% of salts of aluminum.
The cosmetic method is a deodorizing cosmetics. It is necessary to select them according to features of skin and intensity of sweating. It is necessary to apply funds to skin long before exit "in people" that active agents have managed to begin the work.
Hardware methods are impact on problem sites of skin electric impulses. The current reduces activity of sebaceous glands and sweating decreases. But such procedures can do harm to the exchange system of organism.
Injection methods are pointed introduction of butolotoksin from group A in epidermis. Effect of the procedure lasts up to 6 months, for this period medicine blocks nervous impulses and sweat glands.