How to change hair color from white for chestnut

How to change hair color from white for chestnut

The few are solved on radical change of hair color. It is possible to be recoloured from the blonde in chestnut if to observe technical recommendations about maintaining health and hair color from professional stylists.

What it is necessary to remember, having decided on cardinal change of hair color

If you have painted recently or have clarified hair, you should not resort to cardinal change of color at once. The result of such coloring will be unpredictable. After single use of shampoo your curls will get uneven shade.

The injured white hair before coloring in chestnut color need to be recovered completely. For two-three weeks apply the hair care products containing protein.

After chemical wave, long-term laying, it is recommended to be recoloured from the blonde in chestnut color not earlier than in two-three weeks. A day before coloring do not wash hair, do not use means for laying. Before use of hair-dye hold testing for allergic reaction. Even if earlier you always used paint of the same producer, change of hormonal background can lead to development of serious allergy.

How to paint natural fair hair in chestnut color

Never earlier not painted natural fair hair the easiest will get desirable chestnut shade. Attentively read the instruction, mix paint ingredients in the necessary proportions, distribute curls on lock and begin coloring with occipital part of the head. Keep paint the specified time, carefully wash away warm water, apply balm.

How to paint the decoloured hair in chestnut color

The ideal option is to wait until grow natural hair. If you do not intend to wait, it should be taken into account that circumstance that the decoloured hair will have more saturated shade, than is stated on packing. When coloring do not overdo structure on curls. The recommendations of the producer about time are suitable only for those who have natural hair color. Therefore at the first use of chestnut shade reduce coloring time by 10 minutes.

How to choose shade chestnut to blondes

Palette of chestnut shades so rich that girls, for certain, will be able to pick up the color. For the first coloring it is necessary to use shade two tones more dark than color blond. If there is desire at once to paint hair in saturated colors, carry out the procedure of dekapirovaniye, or washing of color. Completely it will be possible to paint over white hair only from the second, third time. Beauty shops can carry out the procedure of professional coloring with the subsequent protection of the received shade. Therefore if you want to turn from the blonde into the auburn brown-haired woman at once, it is worth using services of the experienced stylist.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
