Dry hair look lifeless and dim. It is possible to return them gloss and beauty by means of the masks prepared independently from natural components. Regular holding this procedure will make hair magnificent and strong.
That the mask for dry hair has rendered the maximum effect, at its use it is necessary to put on the warming cap the head – polyethylene hat or film, and from above - towel. If as a part of mask egg contains, after its application the hair at first need to be washed well with slightly warm water and only then – shampoo.
Mask from olive oil
The necessary quantity of means depends on length of hair. On average 2 tablespoons of hair oil by length to shoulders are required. It is necessary to add 3 drops of oil of rosemary to this quantity. The received mix needs to be applied on hair and to leave for 2-3 hours.
Cognac and honey mask
In capacity to connect on 1 tablespoon of cognac, honey and olive or burdock oil. It is necessary to add yolk of 1 egg to these ingredients and to add carefully. Ready mix should be applied on hair and to carefully promassirovat head skin. It is necessary to hold cognac and honey mask 1.5-2 hours.
Egg mask
To shake up 1 crude egg nimbus, to add to it 2 tablespoons of olive or burdock oil, 1 h spoon of glycerin and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The mask should be held on hair within 2 hours.
Gelatinous mask for dry hair
2 tablespoons of gelatin should be filled in with 100 ml of warm water and to leave to bulk up for 15-20 minutes. After gelatin rasvoritsya, it is necessary to add to it 1 h honey spoon and also 3 h spoon of olive oil. Carefully to add mix and to apply evenly on hair. In 40-50 minutes the gelatinous mask should be washed away.
Yogurt mask
Small amount (5-7 tablespoons) of natural yogurt should be caused on hair and to leave to be absorbed for 30 minutes. At very dry hair it is recommended to add 1 tablespoon of oil to mask - burdock or olive. In the absence of yogurt for food of hair it is also possible to use fat kefir in the same proportions.
Mask from black bread
2-3 pieces of the dried black bread should be broken on small parts, to put in capacity, to fill in with boiled water in number of 100 ml and, having covered, to insist 15 minutes. After that bread needs to be stirred to condition of gruel and to add to it 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and 1 yolk. It is necessary to hold mask from black bread 30-40 minutes. Any of the specified masks can be enriched with vitamins A and E. These components in the liquid state it is possible to get in drugstore and to add them to the prepared mix on 2 drops. Such addition will enhance effect of the procedure and will make hair healthier and brilliant.