Beautiful manicure: how to choose color of varnish

Beautiful manicure: how to choose color of varnish

Modern nail varnish differs in huge variety of color and the ingredients entering it. The choice is so big that in it it is easy to become puzzled. For certain, many have own flavoring preferences of relative this product. If you use nail varnish constantly, quite perhaps you have even favourite brand. But at the same time selection of optimum color of varnish covering often remains problem. To solve it, it is enough to use number of recommendations.

If you the owner of quite light shade of skin, then to you is better to refuse purchase of varnish of yellowish, light blue or green tones. Besides, gold shades in manicure will also not suit you. It is better to pay attention to rather dark shades and saturated tones of varnish. All shades red, pink and berry flowers will be great option. Color scale of varnish in your case has to be warm. However deep blue color looks well too. If you have not too pale skin, and rather mixed type, then on your hands dark red saturated shades will perfectly look. The color tone of varnish can sometimes have such names as ""Burgundian red"" or ""wine"".

Safely choose such option. It as if is created for you. If at the woman or the girl the skin color is close to olive, then you should not paint nails blue or violet shade of varnish. It is better to choose silvery, pink, gently blue, metal or orange color. They perfectly are in harmony with such shade of skin.

For swarty skin there are practically no restrictions when choosing shade of varnish. Such women can use any pleasant color line safely. However in comparison with other flowers it will be less successful to look on dark-complexioned girls the varnish having bronze color shade. If you go to business meeting, or the interview is necessary to you, then it is better to choose neutral and quiet shades of varnish that they did not look provocatively. In this case it is possible to make the choice in advantage on cream, beige or light pink colors. 

Perfectly also the French manicure is suitable for such cases. But if you apply for position in the field of fashion industry, it is better to refuse such option. If you are going to go to entertaining institution or on party, then it is possible to paint nails in rather courageous and saturated color shades. Silver and golden colors will perfectly look. Brightly red and bronze color in this case are also appropriate. There is also such rule. If hands are decorated plentiful quantity of jewelry, in particular, of rings, then it is better not to use dark and juicy shades of varnish. Otherwise manicure and general view hands will look is elaborate.

If the romantic appointment is necessary to you, and you wish to emphasize own femininity, then it is possible to choose glossy varnish covering or the varnish containing spangles. That your choice of varnish was the most successful, upon purchase it is possible to apply some of its quantity on nail plate. It is better to make two layers at the same time. Take hand slightly aside and visually estimate result.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
