Bugs are the most various representatives on the planet. They are totaled by about 250 thousand. Only in their Russia there are about 13 thousand types. They are predators and herbivorous.
1. Bugs are widespread everywhere: underground, in water, on trees and in mountains. They can fly on long distances. Bugs eat vegetable food and insects. Some of them do to the person big harm, eating cultural plants. All bugs are carried in one group - coleoptera. Wings are considered as the main similarity of all insects. Two lower wings serve them for flight, and as top, firm, are intended for protection of thin wings and a paunch.
2. Woodcutter titan the biggest representative of bugs. He can grow to 18 cm in length (its size up to 26 cm is specified in some sources). Females are much larger than males. The woodcutter titan leads generally a nocturnalism.
3. The ladybug is known almost by all. It is easy to distinguish her on an orange or bright red color with black dots. These are very useful insects who are capable to destroy thousands of plant louses for all the life. It is appreciated by gardeners and put a lot of effort to allure a ladybug.
4. The Colorado beetle can fly only at mature age. As a rule, at young bugs wings are undeveloped. It flies only if in its territory there is no food left. Most often, the bug can be met on potato plantations.
5. The may-bug was almost destroyed in Central Europe, because of harm to the wood. He goes a long way of the development. After females laid eggs, from them larvae appear. They eat roots of plants, thereby do them big harm. Larvae pupate only for the third year, and in the fall they turn into bugs. On a surface the may-bugs creep out only in the spring.
6. The bug Hitler lives in Slovenia in caves. He received the name in the thirties after it was found by the scientist. He decided to glorify the Fuhrer and called a bug in his honor. Though this bug is absolutely harmless to the person.
7. The bug earth-boring dung beetle or a scarab beetle lives and eats manure of animals. In length it makes only 4 cm. Ancient Egypt of a scarab beetle considered sacred - the security guard of many temples.
8. The bug deer is called so because of the big head with "horns". These "horns" are, nothing but a jaw of an unusual form. This is a herbivorous bug and he eats oak bark juice. A female there are much less males, but a jaw at them more powerful. Bug deer number sharply fell in recent years therefore he was included in the Red List and is protected by the law. To catch it and it is impossible to kill at all.