What animal is a symbol of Japan

What animal is a symbol of Japan

Animals Hits: 100

Despite the quite ancient history, in Japan, unlike many other countries, there is no official animal symbol. Most likely, wise Japanese, centuries watching the world around, could not stop the choice on the specific character.


1. In spite of the fact that Japan has no uniform animal symbol, it does not prevent the people of east country to have the beliefs and to idolize animals who are close to them on temper and spirit. Though here it is impossible to tell for certain to whom Japanese give the preferences. Someone considers that a symbol of Japan - a green pheasant of a kindza, others assure that it is the Japanese stork of Tanko, for the third the national advantage of the country is the raccoon dog of a tanuka.

2. The Japanese stork tankomestny inhabitants chose for worship this peaceful and graceful bird, very perhaps, for the speck of red color of round shape located on its head. At Japanese the red circle is associated with the solar circle represented on a hinomara for a long time - national flag of the Land of the rising sun. Considering that storks are found here everywhere and quite often suit nests in gardens and on backyards, it is quite logical that the population made Tanko the symbol. The custom of Japanese is widely known to do paper storks (origami) for luck.

3. A green pheasant kindziyeshche one national animal of the country, and too a bird – a green pheasant. The Japanese ornithological society did so great honor to this "important" bird at the annual meeting in 1947. The pheasant was chosen as a symbol for its popularity, active participation in national legends and fairy tales. Besides, the bird can quite often be met on country open spaces.

4. Raccoon dog tanukik tanuk at the population the special relation, warm and friendly. It is considered not only a symbolical animal, but also the charm bringing happiness and wellbeing. The raccoon dog, as well as kindz, quite often appears in folklore, but as the werewolf, or the relative of the demon who on cunning is not inferior to a fox. However, despite the ""dark"" party, the small animal remained the favourite hero of fairy tales and attracted to Japanese, and figures of a tanuka of the different sizes and flowers can be seen literally at every turn and to get in any souvenir shop.

5. Besides above-mentioned animals, is a lot more birds, fishes and small animals which are considered by the charms and symbols bearing health and money, happiness and wellbeing, however they are not so popular among the population and give local omens and signs rather. Besides, since ancient times Japanese are associated around the world with the fictional living being - a dragon. In the land of the rising sun, as well as in most other east states, this fantastic animal symbolizes the imperial power and also spirit, wisdom and force.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
