Arrival of a tiny puppy of a chihuahua to the new house - a disturbing action both for the kid, and for his new owners. How the puppy will spend the first day in the new house whether the apartment is ready to arrival of the new chetverony resident and as he will be met by family and other animals, his further adaptation depends.
Moving to the new house and acquaintance to new family - the real stress for a puppy of a chihuahua. It was torn off from mother who always cared and preserved, against brothers and sisters with whom it played, and brought to the unfamiliar, and at times and frightening apartment with strangers, and sometimes and not really friendly animals. For successful adaptation of a chihuahua in the new house it is recommended to follow a number of rules.
1. Preparation of the apartment for arrival of a puppy
The first what it is necessary to begin preparation with - survey of the apartment on existence of potential dangers to a puppy. Wall-paper lying on a floor or in a zone of access of a puppy of a wire, household chemicals, departing, linoleum or other construction materials can be dangerous. The puppy with boredom can begin all this to gnaw that he can become subsequently his bad habit of which it will be very difficult to get rid.
It is worth explaining house that with the advent of a puppy it is impossible to scatter or leave in the place of a thing, available to it, toys, various small objects. Puppies are very curious, and they often learn the world by means of teeth. Therefore the chihuahua can spoil the necessary thing or swallow a firm subject that can lead to negative consequences for his health.
It is necessary to be defined even before arrival of a puppy where it will have a berth. Even if further owners will want to accustom a chihuahua to sleep with them, the dog all the same has to have the place. It has to be safe, warm, be far away from an entrance. The puppy always has to have an access to water. At the same time the plank bed near the battery as it can badly affect hair of a dog is not recommended to have.
At first the puppy will go to a toilet to a diaper therefore all is important to arrange so that having woken up, the puppy could reach it quickly. It is connected with what puppies just learn to suffer and if the diaper is located very far from a berth, it can not reach.
2. Purchase of necessary things
It is possible to find the huge list of things which need to be bought to arrival of a puppy in the Internet. I when took a puppy of a chihuahua, of course, used this list. And it was necessary to get rid of a half as it appeared it is not necessary.
Initially will be necessary:
- Plank bed (or lodge, pillow, laying, etc.);
- Two separate bowls (one for water, the second for food);
- Disposable diapers;
- Forage (at first it is better for puppy to give the same forage that he ate at the manufacturer);
- To steam of toys (kanatik, soft rubber balls perfectly approach);
- The nail clipper (as it is recommended to accustom a puppy to a hairstyle of claws as soon as possible);
- Soft towel.
Then, at requirement emergence, it will be possible to buy in addition all the rest. For example, on the end of a quarantine when the puppy can begin to walk on the street, it will be possible to go with it to pet-shop and to buy there a collar, a lead and if on the street it is cold, warm clothes. Also it is recommended to collect a first-aid kit for a puppy:
- thermometer;
- vaseline;
- potassium permanganate;
- activated carbon;
- chlorhexidin;
- pipette or syringe.
It is possible to learn the addresses and phones good a vetklinik in the city in advance, to write down them on the sheet of paper and to put it in a first-aid kit.
3. The first day of a puppy in the new house
It is recommended to take away a puppy in day off, in the morning to spend with it the whole day. In a day he will a little get used to the new owner, and to it then will remain not so terribly and alone to one.
Having let out him in the room where it is located its berth, it is necessary to give the chance to a puppy to look round. If in the house there are children, then it is necessary to warn in advance them that they were not enough a puppy at once and did not climb to it with embraces: let itself will approach them and at first will sniff at them, and after that it can be ironed and played with it.
If in the house there are other animals, then you should not acquaint them at once and to force to be on friendly terms. Let they will show interest to each other and "will be sniffed".
At night the puppy can begin to howl. In such situation it is possible to try to calm by voice or to stroke a puppy. It is not recommended to take a puppy of a chihuahua on a bed because of his tiny size: at night it can jump off and injure to itself(himself) paws. Therefore it is better to wait for that moment when he learns to jump on a bed.
In the first week it is desirable to avoid too noisy parties in the house as the crowd of people can frighten it that will badly affect further socialization.
In the first days of life of a puppy in the new house the new owners can have a heap of questions according to its contents and education. Therefore it is recommended to choose the good manufacturer before purchase and to establish with him good relations that in case of questions it was possible to contact it and to get advice.