Rapid tests for definition of pregnancy of cats do not exist – whether your favourite expects kittens, it is possible to find out only on her behavior and on external signs. Owners should know on what symptoms it is possible to suspect that the cat is pregnant to provide her the correct care during expectation and to manage to be prepared for posterity birth.
The first signs
To suspect that the cat expects kittens, it is possible if the next period of a techka approached, and the animal behaves quietly, does not mew and does not ride on a floor.The first signs of pregnancy of a cat – puffiness and change of color of nipples. Swelling of nipples is more expressed if pregnancy at a cat the first. Usually this symptom appears on term two-three weeks. At an animal the toxicosis which is shown morning weakness, vomiting, an easy indisposition can begin. At suspicion on pregnancy it is necessary to cancel intake of glistogonny medicines and drugs for fleas not to damage to future posterity.By four weeks the cat considerably puts on weight, she has noticeable a stomach. The pregnant cat most often eats much – in the first days the appetite can decrease a little, but, the term of childbirth is closer, the more forage is required to future mom. Most often during pregnancy of a cat become more tender, quiet, a lot of attention and caress require. It is necessary to take a pregnant cat on hands very accurately, it is impossible to allow her to get on highly located surfaces – because of the increased awkwardness the animal can fall and suffer serious injuries. Survey of the veterinarian is necessary at emergence of the first signs of pregnancy and shortly before childbirth. In the first visit the doctor will make sure that suspicions are not vain, and if necessary to define whether pregnancy is false, will appoint carrying out an ekhografiya or a x-ray research.
Soon childbirth
On late a pregnant cat only the doctor has to – better not to do it to owners that the careless movement not to damage a placenta and not to cause an abortion. If at the beginning of pregnancy the cat usually friendly treats other animals in the house, then later she can begin to behave aggressively - to hiss on other cats, to banish them and even to bite. By eighth week of pregnancy from nipples milk begins to be allocated. Nipples bulk up even more. At the end of pregnancy the cat sleeps practically all the time or lies. If future mom began to show activity, to eat, worry, try to hide less in the secluded place – most likely, childbirth already close, and it is time to equip a convenient nest where she could feel safe for the favourite. It is the best of all if it is a big cardboard box in the quiet place where a cat and her posterity nobody will disturb. The bottom of a box can be covered with old towels or a small blanket. Take care of that the cat could not get into cases and curbstones, otherwise she can suit herself a nest on a linen pile.