Plague of birds – an acute infectious disease to which all species of the domestic and wild bird belonging to group of chicken can be subject. Such disease has the pronounced characteristic symptoms demanding immediate actions from the owner of a bird.
Sources of infection and symptoms of plague of birdsPlague of birds is caused by the filtered viruses of strains And yes the B who contain in all tissues and bodies of sick birds are allocated with excrements and allocations from a nose. Viruses are unstable and usually perish 2 minutes later after heating to 70 wasps, however in the dried-up blood they can remain for seven months.
The virus of a strain And causes typical plague, and a virus of a strain of B – atypical. Both of this views are very similar among themselves both clinical signs, and the final result.
The main source of infection are sick birds who at the unfair relation of owners can carry plague during transportation to safe areas. Healthy individuals can catch easily this disease also through the infected forage, water, stock or a feather. Infection of a healthy bird occurs through a conjunctiva and mucous membranes, a digestive tract, the damaged sites of skin.
Duration of this disease is from several hours to 8 days. An incubation period – within a week. At sick plague of a bird observes body temperature around 43 wasps, the speeded-up and complicated breath, reddenings and dark stains on a crest and a small beard. The infected individual sits having ruffled up, blindly and the tousled feathers. From a beak and nostrils at her viscous bloody slime can be emitted. Further the bird can have attacks, nervous twisting of the head and paralysis. After that the sick individual perishes.
Diagnose plague for a bird on the basis of clinical signs, epizootologicheskiya of data, a pathoanatomical and laboratory research.
After opening at dead from plague of a bird the hypostasis of hypodermic cellulose in a breast, the head, a neck and legs is usually found. Hypostasis and pneumonia, increase in thyroid and goitrous glands.
Measures of fight against plague of birdsUnfortunately, the plague mortality of birds is 100% - vaccines to treat this disease was not thought up yet. On economy where the infected bird was found, impose a quarantine. Sick individuals are killed without fail, and then burned together with the remains of a forage and manure. Objects goings, stock and rooms subject disinfection. In large collective farms the bird suspected of infection is vaccinated surely and divided into the isolated groups. Then subject to clinical examination each four days. During action of a quarantine from economy it is forbidden to take out not only a bird, but also poultry farming products, especially for sale.