Bulls and cows – the major animals in agriculture. They are used for receiving meat, milk and skin. They are bred in a huge number worldwide and used as one more kind of a livestock. Often at the address from such scotomas there is a need to learn its weight. How to make it if the animal does not go for slaughter yet or when it is already dead?
1. You make measurements of an animal since morning before it eats. It will help you to approach as much as possible right result as during the day the weight of a bull changes depending on different factors – contents in a stomach, a bladder, guts, water content in an organism (which is also not a constant). Therefore get up a bit earlier, take a centimetric measuring tape and go to the shelter.
2. Learn the chest of an animal behind his shovels. For this purpose it is necessary to force to stand at first correctly a bull – directly, the head flush with a back. Then (it is easier to do it together) wrap up a centimetric tape around his trunk. Note length of the measured part of the body of an animal.
3. Measure the slanting length of a trunk of a bull. It is measured by also centimetric tape, only this time the measurement comes from a plechelopatochny joint to a tail root. The Plechelopatochny joint is the convex part of a body which is over a front leg of an animal. You see the image below not to make the wrong choice of points between which it is necessary to measure distance.
4. Write down data of both measurements. Now consider the table given below. You can determine the approximate live weight of an animal by it, possessing the data obtained by you in the previous steps. To determine this weight, find the value coinciding with measured by you in a trunk grasp column behind shovels. Then find value of a slanting grasp of a trunk which you found in the top line. Now find crossing of these two parameters. It is also approximate value of weight of your animal.
5. Put an animal on scales if you have such opportunity. It is the simplest exit though at its application you should not forget that the weight of an animal is measured also in the morning, before feeding and changes during the day.
6. Measure the weight of a lethal animal by means of scales. However this weight differs from weight live. For measurement of lethal weight weigh only a trunk of a bull, brainless, the lower parts of legs and internals.