Decorative mouse as a pet – quite good option. It is not too difficult to master care for this little animal, and places it takes a little. Zoologists advise to support at least couple of same-sex small animals as they need society. If you get "boy" and "girl", then it will be possible to expect numerous posterity soon. To protect itself from excess efforts, before purchase it is necessary to define a sex at mice.
1. Try to define a sex at a mouse at the age of 7-10 days from a sort. At this time the paunch of an animal did not grow with wool yet therefore at a female it is possible to observe secondary sexual characteristics – two rows of nipples. They are well looked through; after two-week age the overgrown mammary glands can be probed. Respectively, if nipples at a pet are absent – before you a male.
2. Turn a mouse a paunch top, and slightly delay a tail down. Act extremely carefully as the skeleton at little mice is extremely brittle! Veterinarians strictly forbid to hold an animal by a tail. Attentively consider an anus and genitals of the pet. It is necessary to compare this individual to the representative of an opposite sex of the same age (if the sex of the last is known). Between two bodies the females will have a distance less, than at males.
3. At last, at a little mouse it is possible to make out future pair men's bodies (testicles) in the form of dark stains. When the male grows, his testicles and a genital will well develop. The structure of adult individuals affects even gait – the male animal goes a few vperevalka. Determination of sex of a mouse will not cause in you difficulties any more.
4. According to a remark of some fans of domestic rodents, females and males of a mouse can differ with the behavior. At direct survey of genitals "girl" will more quietly sustain this procedure, and "boy", most likely, will try to bite you. One of sexual differences at mice is more pungent smell which is extended around themselves by male individuals. House alumnae get on with "girlfriends" better. Males (especially if they one age are also not castrated), will fight by all means for leadership – even in case near them there is no "lady".