In spite of the fact that the collar and a cat somehow not too are associated with each other, cats are animals who walk in itself, nevertheless collars are applied to cats rather often. However, functions they have at all not that dog collars. Similar adaptation is capable to save a cat from fleas, also it will help to find the pet if it is lost.
1. To choose a collar for a cat, first of all be defined for what it is necessary. All collars differ on type.
2. The collar with a fastener is not recommended to be held on a cat constantly. They are got for house cats that those looked, according to owners, more beautifully. The cat can have in this respect own opinion, do not forget about it. Such collar is better to put once on a cat for the photo or an exhibition, and then to remove.
3. Street collars have a completely different design. They can be elastic that the cat, having hooked accidental by a collar, could slip out it. Also happens that on a collar the small cut, then, is made if the cat somewhere gets stuck, it will tear.
4. On functionality the street collars happen several types. Collars against parasites will protect a cat from ticks and fleas. Such way is good as a preventive measure, but if parasites were already got, then use special shampoo. The reflective collar will make a cat at noticeable night on the highway if she takes in head to cross the road. Cat's accessories of this kind can even be supplied with light-emitting diodes.
5. The personal collar is useful to cats who have no chip allowing to find out information on an animal in case it is lost. On the label attached to a personal collar write the address and phone of owners so in case of loss it will be much simpler to find a cat. Do not forget that the collar can be lost by a cat if she often walks on the street so it is better to attend to the electronic chip nevertheless.
6. There are also other types of collars, for example, calming. They allocate the pheromones naturally reducing nervousness of a cat. Such collars are useful to transportations or adaptation of an animal in the new place.
7. Before going to pet-shop, measure a neck of a cat. The collar has to be an easy fit. If you can thrust two fingers between a neck of an animal and a collar, so with a size everything is all right.