How to call a Siamese cat

How to call a Siamese cat

Siamese cats differ in unusual aristocratic appearance and difficult, independent character. Certainly, these beautiful animals are worthy the original sonorous name corresponding to their exotic beauty. What it is worth being guided by, choosing a name for a Siamese cat?


1. If you are a happy owner of a thoroughbred Siamese cat that, at least, with the first letter of a name of your pet you decide on a family tree without effort - it to you will be prompted in nursery. According to rules of clubs, names of all kittens from one dung have to begin on one, strictly certain letter. Also it happens that the cat already received the full official name in nursery and it will not be possible to change it to you. In this case you need to solve whether you will use it for daily communication, or you will prefer to think up the, "house" option. At the same time it is necessary to consider that it is the best of all than a cat perceive the nicknames consisting of 1-2 syllables.

2. When choosing a name for a Siamese cat it should be taken into account that it is these beautiful and proud animals from Thailand, the former Siam. Therefore it is good if at their name there is a color of the East. The Thai names will be ideal for this purpose. Agree that if the Siamese cat bears the name extended to her to "the historical homeland" - it will look quite logically and it is proved. Studying and choosing the names popular in Thailand do not forget that the accent in them always falls on a final syllable.

3. It is necessary to know that in ancient Siam the cats of this breed were considered as sacred animals. To hold Siamese cats it was permitted only to royalties or monks. Proceeding from it, it is considered quite admissible to allocate these animals with names of ancient goddesses. For example, Isida, Rhea or Astarta. However, before finally stopping the choice on a similar name, it is recommended on - better to find out about character and habits of the ancient namesake of your favourite.

4. Pay attention to features of a color of Siamese cats. Certainly, one of the most attractive lines in shape of this breed is surprising deep blue color of eyes of Siamese. Pick up the name emphasizing this feature - the Lagoon, Maya, the Phlox, Indigo - perfectly will suit Siamese cats.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
