The majority of insects – singles, but only not bees. Bees live families in beehives, at the same time separately each bee from the biological point of view represents a female individual who is not capable to reproduction. The one and only bee, a uterus is responsible for updating of a sort and replenishment in family. The uterus repeatedly is more than other bees, and per day such bee can postpone until 2000 eggs.
1. The maximum number of bees in one family can reach tens of thousands, and, of course, that all insects were full and protected, the beehive has to possess a certain organized system of the management. It is interesting that activity of bees considerably depends on their age.
2. Young working individuals who are no more than 3-4 days old from a sort are engaged in maintenance of an order, remove beehives. Having become more adult, they can feed larvae, and only at the age of about 20 days the bee takes off on gathering honey. Old bees are engaged in extraction of water for the beehive, without flying away is far from the house.
3. Today scientists say that in bee family there are no leading insects, it is impossible to call objectively neither a uterus, nor a drone it is more important, than a working bee. Each insect performs the function thanks to what the family of bees receives livelihood, water, protection, reproduction.
4. Among themselves bees communicate with the help of sounds, tactile contacts, sense of smell, food and chemical contacts and also by means of "dance of bees". Scientists carried out various intellectual tests with insects and animals if from 100 points the wolf gathers everything 100, a dog 60, then a bee – about 50 points. It allows to say that bees are, certainly, extremely clever insects.
5. The queen bee produces the special substance having a smell. This smell at each bee family the, and will never let in the stranger a beehive. Determining by a smell to what family the bee belongs, insects can guarantee that only their family will get all nectar prepared by working bees, but it will not be carried on the next beehives. Bee families zealously preserve the independence, without allowing invasion of strangers on the territory of a beehive. If the bee remains one, let and in the presence of a forage, she perishes – without family these insects do not survive.